aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Kinai26's stalker club

  1. kinai26
    LOL The kids were like little loud drool mosters today - my ears still hurt because of all the screaming and them crawling all over me - maybe bacause the weather is really shitty(rain + wind) which means they can´t get outside much XD
  2. Jabba

    Keep them occupied with art la.
    If they are busy making those cute messes, they won't care about the weather.

    BTW, you do know about Art therapy right?

    Should be right?
    I mean foreign countries ask for a Bachelor degree in Early Childhood...
  3. kinai26
    LOL yeah tried that - we did a lot of drawings today - mostly pirates, skulls and vampires - the kids love those.

    Yup I know of Art therapy + I wanna write my Bachelor paper on Art, drawing and its importance for kids to be allowed to be creative.

    I´ve collected about 50 drawings I made with the kids during my practical study + I know a lot about the subject already.
  4. FiresFlame
    I think my computer has finally met its match..... it busted and im only getting on the internet by begging my friends to borrow their laptops. *sighs* Anyone have any suggestions for which computer to buy? Im stuck between an Apple computer or a PC....
  5. kinai26
    It depends on what you wanna use it for. An Apple computer is for those who make a lot of artwork while a PC is for those who write and who isn´t rich - as programs for an Apple is usually quite expensive.

    I´ve had both... and though I like the design of the Apple as well as it´s programs - I just couldn´t afford to keep it up to date in the end + I write more than I do digital artwork(I prefer to draw by hand) and my next computer will be a stationary PC(as they are stornger + has more harddrive than a laptop + cheaper) - but it´s your decision of course.
  6. kinai26
    News on updates: I´ve just updated ´Forgive me` XD
  7. Jabba
    I have a self assembled PC.
    But uses Windows programming.
    Self assembled is the way to go if you only want good items for selected items on a limited budget.

    Did you ever come across a child that absolutely insists on using Black to colour her drawings?
  8. FiresFlame
    Hmmm Yea, i write more than I draw plus I need it for school. ONly problem with Windows is that alot of people complain about Vista, they say its very bad
  9. Jabba
    I don't use Vista.
    I used the older ones.
    Cheaper too.

    Chapter 412
    He really damaged Sauske!
    And Sasuke's ass has to be saved by the others!

    When Sasuke turn into a vampire?!?!? :sweatdrop:
    And why is there so many bite marks???
    Shouldn't they have healed?

    "My face looks like this form being hit! Not cause i'm turning into a frog!"
    Poor Naru-chan... :sweatdrop:

    "For a bunch of weaklings, they sure are a pain. Playtime's over. Time to go back home and have some whiskey again, yeah."
    That dude... :whahaha:
    That's how much he looks down on... Taka? I still prefer Hebi...

    "Time for number 8"
    Is he releasing the 8 tailed or calling for the 8th sword?
    Figures that he would have 8 swords since he's the jinchurriki for the 8 tailed...
  10. kinai26
    @Jabba: about the kids coloring - nope but one girl continue to use onlu one color when she paints/draws - and it always depaneds on her mood what color she´ll use.

    Black is usually a sigh for depression or bad mood... and thankfully the kid I´m working with usually use bright colors like orange, green or blue - thoug orange is the color for being angry or upset while blue and green(as far as I know) represent calmness and peace... though I´m not completely sure
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