aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Kinai26's stalker club

  1. kinai26
    True true XD

    Does anyone know who gave me the level 9 Naruto card???? I am so happy and I love who ever gave it to me - let me know if I can do anything to show my gratitude - k
  2. rikkusan565
    .....*raise hand again* that would be me again ^^'
  3. FiresFlame
    rikku-san, you are just a giving person lately
  4. rikkusan565
    well its close to my birthday and i know i wont get wat i want but i can give others wat they want so i really dont mind
  5. Jabba
    When's your B-day?
  6. Shades22
    rikkusan's b-day is in ten days...
    n oooo wats this discussin latest naruto updates r we
    i wonder how the meetin between sasu n naru will be played out in the future since sasu's now helping them capture the tailed demons n do u think he'd ask to have naru since the akatsuki said they'd give him one
  7. rikkusan565
    yep its in ten days and i'm really hoping to get the new iphone form my parents but that wont happen......*sigh* i wish i had a job
  8. FiresFlame
    Oooo that Iphone is niiiiice *hides her own* hehe
  9. rikkusan565
    yeah but the one i want it is the 16g in white because my dad has the 8g and i dont want to get our fones mixed up
  10. kinai26
    @Rikku: that means your B-day is the 18th right? heh heh

    @Minna-san: An evil update for ´Decieve` has just been posted - Plz enjoy some OroXNaru ness
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