aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Kinai26's stalker club

  1. Jabba
    Have it been a year already??? O.O

    EDIT: I can't find the damn fanfiction forum...
  2. rikkusan565
    Happy birthday ki-kun *leaves a very hot picture of a naked sasu, naru, kashi, iruka,and ita* hope you like it
  3. FiresFlame
  4. kinai26
    Thank you loves, i am incredibly grateful. i had a very nice birthday.

    A lot has happened in my life lately besides getting a year older and I completely forgot to peek at this thread.

    I lost a dear, dear person Thursday night so I feel a bit... off.

    Well anyway, to cheer myself and you guys up after one of my fav musicians has died early this morning I have decided to post the first chapter of a brand new fic that I have been working on for a while.

    It´s called "Dark Savior" and can be found under
    : Fictions, fanfics 18+ incomplete.

    I hope you´ll like it. I´ll probably update it every friday
  5. Jabba
    Awww, Kinai.... *hugs*

    RIP Michael...
    I had always loved your songs, especially "Heal The World"...

    Can some one pls take pity on me and tell me where to find the goddamn fanfiction forums?!?!?!
  6. kinai26
    fanfiction forum is found on the blue bar where all the other subjects can be clicked on as well. Right next to the "User CP" there is a section called "fictions" click it and you´ll get to a new page, scroll down and you´ll find all the forums.

    i have trouble finding my older fics there but other than that it´s easy to use.

    18+ incomplete: http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/fictio...tegory.php?c=2
    18+ completed fics: http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/fictio...tegory.php?c=4

    17.9 in progress: http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/fictio...tegory.php?c=6
    17.9 complete: http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/fictio...tegory.php?c=7

    18+ in progress: http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/fictio...egory.php?c=10
    complete: http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/fictio...egory.php?c=11

    17.9: http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/fictio...egory.php?c=12
    17.9 complete: http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/fictio...egory.php?c=13

    I hope this´ll help you XD
  7. kinai26
    ...30.06.2007. Damn, nearly two years has passed since I became a member of this forum. Time flies so fast XD
  8. kinai26
    Yay I´ve been a naughty Aarin girl for two years today XD

    I was such an innocent girl back then, yet untainted by the world of yaoi. Thank god that I was hit by a truck so that I could find this place.
  9. chloe1horses
    congrats to pervy Kinai
  10. kinai26
    LOL thanks.

    The Update for Kínai´s world is done, all I need is editing. I hope that I can post it Monday since I have a funeral to attend to tomorrow.

    Dark Savior will be updated tomorrow and Happiness on Sunday XD
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