welcome!!! I really like the pictures! : D Thanks for sharing!
Hey there Raykaida!
Hi everyone, I'm new here. I'm glad to be here
*waves* Newbie here~ *insert whining about hiatus here*
Welcome everyone! : D
Hopefully sensei will get better soon. ;____; So far it isn't as long as last year's hiatus, so I'm not complaining. @Winterine: Oh man I know what you mean. Mmmmm leather-like material... And if you look at the "Gray Ark" fanbook color pages of the new uniforms, and compare them to the scans of the new chapters.... It's just sometimes like, "what is that black blob and why is it attacking Kanda? o.o [Fight it, Kanda, fight it! >D]" I'm still convinced their new uniforms were designed by some military crazed old man with a Chinese-style clothing fetish.
I agree with that! The uniforms are interesting.
@Hatshepsut: yepyep, Kanda Heh, but they also look a bit WWII... It seems a bit more decorative than necessary I think I like the second uniform best still so far.
`hey minna!!!! I think its the first time I said anything here... ^^; I'M A BIG, BIG FAN OF YULLEN!!!!
@Winterine: Waaay more decorative than necessary. What the hell is the string of beads doing there?! "This looks badass and awesome and so totally won't break and scatter around, creating a huge walking hazard, during combat! Yay beads!! : D" Yeah no. Second gen. uniform is definitely best. @AzValen: Did I mention said designer also has a thing for pirates? >looks at Lavi's and Allen's boots< But Kanda still has a >cough<manskirt>cough< long coat thing, so it's all good. [Though second is still best, 'cause if you just have the 'skirt', you can turn it around and it becomes a nekid apron! >DDDD Don't you all love me for telling you that?] @iruka92: Hi! >cough<LavixKanda>cough<