aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. Gloomy Gloo
    Gloomy Gloo
    ^That is correct. You can only include default patterns/fonts/tools/custom shapes/etc.
  2. Halite75
    Crap. I've never made a smudge sig before.
  3. cabbit_girl
    ...gloo you are so evil

  4. Halite75
    What the heck it C4D thunder?
  5. Wasabi2001
    loads of c4d's maybe?
  6. paplou
    naw. It's my attempt to say make a sig, use C4D lightning. Will never post a challenge when I'm tired and sleepy again /headdesk.
  7. Wasabi2001
    Ok, I dunno where to dump this so I'll leave it here for the moment, I found it very useful and actually got into my thick skull how to use the pen tool, here is the LINK for a great tutorial that teaches you how to use the pen tool. hope its helpful in any way!
  8. Dragonfire Inferno
    Dragonfire Inferno
    @Gloo: For the challenge you gave me, specifically the color challenge part of not using yellow or blue, does that also include not using stocks and renders that include the two colors?
  9. Gloomy Gloo
    Gloomy Gloo
    ^You can use anything with any colors so long as the end result doesn't have yellow or blue.
  10. Dragonfire Inferno
    Dragonfire Inferno
    I think Gloo might have finally stomped me with this new challenge.

    I have absolutely no idea how to go about making this one.
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