aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. frano
    The challenges sounds all good , some more or less, thanks for the opportunity Gloomy. I can do the 5min too, by open my drawing program. ... but cant put that in a sig.
  2. Halite75
    What would truly be evil would be to have to make a sig in 5 minutes in MS Paint.

    Meh, I don't know if I will do any of the challenges this time. I guess I could try to see what happens when I make a 10 minute sig.

    I've never tried a transparent sig, so no idea how that would go down. I hate making real people siggies. Sticking a lot of people in a sig would be hard too.

    Gloomy you really know how to put the Challenge in Challenges.
  3. Gloomy Gloo
    Gloomy Gloo
    @teabag Gloo-monster? D: I think you meant Gloo-master That's right, I'll hurt you good, you maso-tea

    @pigeon Haha, can't wait to see what you come up with for the challenges then XD

    @BDR At least I didn't ask you guys to make 1-min sigs...aren't I merciful? Actually, a 1-min sig challenge...*contemplates*

    Well, I'm glad I'm doing my part and making them difficult
  4. BF2525
    Haha, you guys are funny A one minute challenge? I wouldn't be able to even choose a picture to work with
  5. paplou
    A one minute challenge? I can do that: make squiggles all over the canvas and ta-da!
    Hmm... wonder what animal tbag's gonna do (if she does)?

    Llama >>
  6. Gloomy Gloo
    Gloomy Gloo
    Okay guys, instead of opening up new challenges in two days, I'm going to open back up all the old challenges in case some people who haven't done them want to give them a try. Pumping out a bunch of sigs for the challenges every two weeks might be too draining for most of us

    Also, I'll have a freestyle challenge thread where people can make whatever challenges they want for each other. What do you guys think?
  7. frano
    @Gloomy Gloo; opening all challenges..mh..ok for me, but I wont take part. >.< To lazy. But a freestyle sounds good. Thanks, great idea.
  8. Wasabi2001
    @Gloomy Gloo: I think the freestyle challenge is a great idea
  9. Gloomy Gloo
    Gloomy Gloo
    All old challenges are now open for whoever wants to do them.

    The freestyle threads are also open. This is my first time trying it out so if there are any questions, please ask them on this thread. Thanks
  10. paplou
    Gloo, default tools means I cannot use patterns that are not originally included in PS?
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