aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The philosophy of Ergo Proxy

  1. Cteel
    I must admit, there was a lot of thought provoking concepts in this anime,I don't know if anyone else picked up on it.
    my favorite episode being the one of that bookstore in the mist, if you listen and watch carefully, and know what their talking about(it is a bit confusing at first) But its Facinating though! Particularly the concept of the forces of the universe being trapped in artificial bodies.
    Did you know amrita (as in the amrita cells) means eternal? Im going to stop rambling before I lose anyone who is reading this, but really, think about it!
  2. ClosetedYaoiFan
    Definitely a thought-provoking anime. I really need to rewatch Ergo Proxy. I'm pretty sure I didn't get a lot of the ideas presented in it but was very intrigued.
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