I know in Host Links it's not allowed for a forumer to upload a file to, say, Megaupload, if another forumer has already done so.
Does this rule also apply to Everything Else?
I know in Host Links it's not allowed for a forumer to upload a file to, say, Megaupload, if another forumer has already done so.
Does this rule also apply to Everything Else?
I do not think that it should be so. I mean, the same host isn't allowed so that people don't get points for something that's already up. Now in 'Everything Else' section, there's no point-earning anyway. So it should not matter as such.
Though if there already is a link working of the same file on the same host, then why would you want to up another one? O.o
Yeah it doesn't really matter I think since nobody is getting points but, If someone else had already reserved the host and was working hard at uploading it, I think it's incredibly rude to have someone else come afterwards and put a link for the same thing. I think if said person also was planning to upload it to that host, he/she just had to reserve the spot earlier like everybody else does for the most popular host sites.
I know if I was the person always getting this done to me, I would certainly be frustrated and would want to stop wasting my time
At least ppl like this are rare enough, usually they always come to an understanding in other threads (obviously I know the one you meant specifically ) as far as I saw so far.
In short, I think it's only a matter of being polite
Last edited by Isan; 03-20-2008 at 06:47 PM.
A recent uploading question was answered very quickly but I never got any "official" feedback on this
I know in Host Links it's not allowed for a forumer to upload a file to, say, Megaupload, if another forumer has already done so.
Does this rule also apply to Everything Else?
As no points are awarded in the Everything Else section, we don't check there for double links there. However, they are still superfluous and pointless.
While this a hot item, I want to ask what the difference is between the 'Everything Else' and the 'Request Anime' section under 'Anime Downloads'.
What is the reason that some anime-series are placed in the first section, while other series goes into the 'Request Anime'. If you click on them, then both contains ongoing series.
Okay, thanks for the answer XD
Mods are in the process (I think) of moving those "ongoing series" threads from the 'Request Anime' section to the 'Everything Else' section. I believe you can report the first post of a thread you think belongs in the 'Everything Else' section.
The way I understand it, the 'Request Anime' section is ONLY for single episode requests and responses. If someone asks for an entire series, that series would then be uploaded in 'Everything Else.' 'Everything Else' is where all non-yaoi anime series go. Again, this is how I understand it, though I don't believe it's ever been explicitly stated anywhere.
Just like what Yav said, it doesn't matter at all since no points will be awarded for those links.
I'm on the process of "cleaning" both sections. I'll also put some guidelines afterwards to remove the confusion about them.
Don't worry, we will make an announcement when we're done. For the time being, please bear with us. Thank you.