How do you get srt subs to work with a VLC player? There is probably aneasy way, but I haven't found it yet. Thanks for your help in advance.
Signed confused!!!
I don't use VLC but I think this way should work : just put your video file and sub file in the same folder,remember that the name of the files are the same,eg : okenaganai.avi and ~ When you open the video,the sub will be automatically loaded
Make sure the video and subtitles are in the same folder, and have the same names. Load the video in VLC Player then go to Video -> Subtitles.
or you can force the subtitles by:
1)Settings -> prefrences
2)highlight/expand video->subtitles/OSD
3)click on browse -> select the srt file-> save
4)watch your show with subtitles
5)repeat step 1-3 but clear the browse area and recheck the autodetect sutitles box.
I may be a little late but that is the sure fire way to get subtitles to load properly.
You are sure the .srt file is okay and not corrupted right? Also that's it text? When you first open vlc player and you choose open file from the menu, not only should you see the browse button for choosing a file, but below that you should see a box where you check to use subtitles and a browse button for that. Just load both the file and the srt file and they should play together. It doesn't matter if the srt is in the same folder if you do it this way.