I had installed the Megaupload Toolbar so I can download files by using flash get , but it seems like it never finish downloading. Because when it's only about 1% left, the program just appeared "Connection : close" TT
Awww!! Pleaseeeee Help me.....
I had installed the Megaupload Toolbar so I can download files by using flash get , but it seems like it never finish downloading. Because when it's only about 1% left, the program just appeared "Connection : close" TT
Awww!! Pleaseeeee Help me.....
If this help: you don't have to install the megaupload toolbar to use flashget to download files from megaupload. I only install flashget and I download files by flashget just fine. Maybe you want to uninstall the megaupload toolbar and install only the flashget from mozilla firefox site, and see if that will help you solve your problem.
I've had a similar problem with the latest version (as of 1 month ago) of flashget not finishing downloads, it starts to get weird towards the end (of downloading a file e.g. 90%), making multiple connections (even though I've set it to one connection). This was with whichever download site - not just megaupload. It was touch and go, whether I could download a file or not, irrespective of size. In the end I had to download it the traditional way (right click save to target). This was on my sister's computer when I was getting my laptop fixed. My laptop has an older version, which doesn't have this problem, so it might just be to do with the flashget version?? I don't know, just a suggestion.
megaupload doesn't support flashget , that's why it get stuck at 1%
so download it the normal way and let it download