Still hasn't come back!
Seems they closed registrations and I wanted to get a few stuff from there, can somebody spare me an account, or get the files for me? ^^;
Are u sure I just check and the registration is still open, I'll leave u a link Lol
If u can I can help u Lol
Now I notice that there are two versions of the forums. I tried to get some stuff from this thread: [galería] Pokemon - Página 21 - Foros DZ ARCHIVO - Anime, Manga, Hentai, Yaoi, Videojuegos y más...
There's some Roger x Shoku stuff that I can't find anywhere else...
Oo yeah that is the old one, but the Adm have problem with that serv or something like that they said I don't know, Sorry I can help u with that cuz my old account is not working..