Ok so a bit of backstory:
i downloaded Shingakkou -Noli me Tangere- because my friend recommended it. i got it completely installed and its 100% working but the issue is VNR.

I got VNR up and running but i cant get anything but the machine translation going. i saw in a video about VNR that you could use community based subtitles so how do those work? does there have to be someone actually playing while im playing so that i can see them or are they naturally always there? I've tried looking everywhere for a way to get the community made subtitles but no one else seems to be having this problem but me?

atlus, google, bing and LEC are all working fine its just the community subtitles.

this isn't shingakkou but it's the best example of what i mean(we're also not using the same version because the sidebar its different): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxRGwS4gkW4

another guy(he is actually a translator but still the community ones are working here. same game and same version of VNR i think.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQbuhdluJFs

I'm sorry if this is a really dumb question.