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    BL 'til I die!

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    How to add images to your posts

    There are two ways to add images to your posts:
    * Via Image Host Sites
    * Via Forum Attachments.


    1. Go to your prefered image host site and open an account (PhotoBucket, imgur, ImageShack, TinyPic etc.)
    2. Follow the steps they instruct you.
    3. After the image has been uploaded completely, you'll have a variety of codes to pick from, copy the one that includes [IMG][/IMG] tags.
    4. Paste the code on your post and you're done.
    5. You can now Preview or Submit your message.


    Select 'Insert Image'

    • From URL

    • From computer


    • The thumbnails are clickable, to see the original size of the image just click on them after you've finished creating/editing your post.
    • The filetypes you're allowed to upload are specified in the menu of the uploader. In this tutorial, I'm allowed to upload jpg, jpeg, png, gif but this might be different for you depending on your user group.
    • I suggest to use always external image host sites, as your forum storage space is limited (it depends on your user group). To know the space you're allowed to use, go to Settings > on the side menu Miscellaneous > Attachments.
    • The only case I suggest you to use the forum attachments is when you want to post an explicit/graphic (R-18) image. Majority of image hosts sites delete such files, even though this can be avoided by setting all your images on a Private Folder, sometimes they get deleted anyway.


    If you want to delete an image attached to one of your posts, you have 2 options:

    1. From your Settings
    • Go to Seettings > on the side menu Miscellaneous > Attachments.
    • Check the boxes from the images you want to remove from your posts.
    • Go to the bottom of the page and select [Delete Selected]
    • When you go back to your post, the image won't show up anymore but it will remain a small link: 'Attachment xxxxx' if you click on it, it will give you an error message.
    • To remove said link simply click on [Edit Post] > delete the small thumbnail that will appear > Save the changes

    2. From the post itself

    Common Issues

    • If you don't follow the above steps and only edit your post and delete the thumbnail, you'll see something like this after saving/sumbitting the message at the bottom of your post:

    If you want to get rid of it, simply follow one of the procedures explained above to completely remove the attachment.

    • Another common issue when using forum attachments is that the File Upload Manager doesn't delete the images not used. The menu literally says "Uploads not utilized within one hour will be deleted" however they never dissapear from the Upload Manager.
    This problem is related to the attachment system and won't be fixed for the time being. If you want to get rid of past attachments that you don't need anymore, you should contact an Administrator, aarinfantasy or Dai-kun will help you with this.

    For more info about this problem, you can read here.
    Last edited by AlexiaLee; 07-19-2014 at 09:25 PM.



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