Gz to all! And thank you people for your votes!
@Nouche; Will be easy with me having no internetto. Go for it. 8D
Gz to all! And thank you people for your votes!
@Nouche; Will be easy with me having no internetto. Go for it. 8D
Congrats all winners and I really enjoy everyone´s work.
@bronakopdin; you wouldn't wanna see the results if I tried to cheat... *starts sharpening knives in order to coerce votes* jk jk~ aarin please don't ban me, I only kid ><
@calloutyoru; I'm reading the manga you reviewed now! I was really shocked about how crucial the cross dressing was in the whole plot (well I'm only 2 chap in but yeah it seems very important!) but I am intrigued to see how it goes, although I admit I'm not a HUGE fan of her messy style, but usually her stories are unique enough to keep me interested. =)
@Nouche; you and ritar were seriously NECK AND NECK holy cow, it was intense. Hope you both have a successful auction with your bloodyand deadwomen. XD
congratz to all winners
great entries as usual
Grats to all the winners!, especially love ritars rain set, ellys profile and callycon & lakeloves reviews I love it all
ow..once again i miss a few days and i come back to have a big surprise!
hehhe, thank you minna XD
Congrats to @ritar for the amazing siggy,really love it!
To @calloutyoru and @laketica for the delicious reviews!
Congrats to the winners!
Congrats to @ellymate; for the cool profile! <3, to @ritar; for the impressive and awesome sig! <3, to @calloutyoru;, & @laketica; for the reviews!! Congrats to all the winners!!
I know it's a bit late
Congratulation to the winners