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Thread: Discord?

  1. #1
    Yaoi Supporter

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    Lightbulb Discord?

    Not sure if this would go here, so if not feel free to move/lock/etc. But I was thinking it might be fun to have an Aarinfantasy discord server? Kind of a condensed version of the site? I'm not sure how many people on here use discord or their experience with it, but I've found it to be useful and is a little more intimate in terms of chatting with others.

  2. #2
    Yaoi Supporter
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    I agree. It would be fun to have an Aarin server!

  3. #3
    Extreme Yaoi Guru

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    These days I am so rarely here on the forum because I am too busy with my dual studies/RL but I am usually on discord so to me it sounds like a good idea in general, but it'd also mean more work to do to make it official, involving Aarin and Mods OR it will only be a fanmade server but without official context but then it could be any private server. The idea is nice but I wonder if there are ressources to even make it official when the site itself fights to survive with donations, the site should come first I think

  4. #4
    Extreme Yaoi Guru

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    Yup I can only agree with brona here
    Besides that many users sure left the forum, because they found other social media plattform such as tumblr. And that separates everyone a bit from this cosy family kinda place. And if there‘s gonna be a discord server I‘m sure they‘ll be even less activity here...
    And to ad something more; discord feels so cold in my eyes. No individual personality to share, just text and your ava. Here it’s livelier that you can show: such as sets, profiles with personal wall, cards to show your favorite characters and much more idk if it’s just me and has the grumpy mind of an old lady who thinks „it’s better if it’s stays the way it is now“ (my german fellows sure know which meme I‘m referring toXD) Anyway I‘ll find it sad to see more and more go away from this forum
    Last edited by sumire007; 01-26-2020 at 08:48 AM.

  5. #5
    Yaoi Lover

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    Personally I prefer a forum..it just feels warmer
    ...I can't really explain,,but I just like the cozy feeling of a forum...especially here..

  6. #6
    Aarin - Busy

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    Hi hi, I started using discord for a game about 2 years ago till last September when I quit that game.
    After that, I hardly use it anymore.
    It was alright I guess and I had a few people who actually suggested to me about an AarinFantasy discord some time ago... was really thinking about it but I also agree that if people start going there, I think the activities here will be even lesser. Of course there are pros and cons for forum and also Discord. But for now, I will not be opening anything on Discord.

    But you can definitely add others from here in Discord should you want to just chat intimately or something.

    Thank you though for suggesting!~

    I won't say I will never open a channel there at Discord, it really depends on how the site's gonna go and what direction I am heading... I would like to do more if I can, but I faced so many unfortunate situations in 2019 (not forum related) that I keep stepping back. Thought 2020 will be better but now my country (Malaysia) is having some Coronavirus cases, and I've to be more alert. I hope everyone stay safe!

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  8. #7
    Yaoi Supporter

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    I totally understand wanting to keep the community here active and think that is important as well! I appreciate everyone input!

  9. #8
    Yaoi Lover

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    Thanks Aarin.
    Most importantly: Stay safe!!

    As for the discord suggestion:
    I've personally asked Aarin about this before and I understand where she's coming from.
    There is a real chance that activity here would drop even more, but at the same there is a chance that it might spike up again. I'm just thinking about people talking over there "Hey, have you seen that post by XXX on thread XXX??"
    Would encourage people to chat more and maybe even come up with some new contests or something.
    Then again, I personally use Discord a lot and am online most of the time, which would make it easier to keep in touch with certain people.
    But another thing I talked with Aarin about is the fact that it would create more work for her or Mods as it would need to be monitored. Of course there are bots and such, but nothing beats good old human common sense.

    All in all, I think it's not as easy as to just create a server and hope for the best. Yet again, I personally would be in favor of a server, but I will accept what ever Aarin deems better

  10. #9
    Yaoi Amateur
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    Oct 2018

    To be honest, Discord would be very helpful for the forum to thrive. It increases much more areas that the forum does not have. You can put locked channels who visitors/members can read but cannot reply to (much like announcements) of for example, "Downloadable games : link ______ / Feedbacks/modding/FAQ: link __________" etc in one channel, linking to the forum, so that the activity here will not go down. It just needs ONE message and locked. There'll be much more commitment, much more exposure and help. Many small scanlation groups that needs help in funds have discord servers, and the spread of a server is really fast, which may add more activity here. I see that there's actually lots of game here, and modders who are helping out etc, it would really be great to be able to discuss stuffs there for a #modders channel (only for people who mods, so there'll be communication/discussion for more games here). As well as an #Update channel. Chatting will be so much easier there, and discord is an app of convenience. I myself dont use forums much, as its not a place I would go for a chat to, its a place where if I am finding for something or when I need suggestions/requests. People who are busy with work or with studies, normally have the app, not just people who uses games for communication although its mostly the FIRST reason for its download. I use it for both gaming and for my work, so its an app I have on both PC and phone for convenience. ALOT of people has it just for the sake of having it, too. as yknow, sometimes people who games/are busy using the computer doesnt really touch their phones, discord is a 100% sure way to have the message reach them immediately, and the messages (if you enable the notif) even appears at the top right corner of your screen so you'd have a sneak peek of it. Its possible to have an #announcement/Donation channel too, to countdown the donation needed for the website. It could be a count for how many monthly subscribers and one-time-donations there is too. Its much more easier for everyone to see the process/progress. Its also great to know who exactly is on (you can put your nickname on the group as something else so people know who you are in the forum) and talk to them when they're online and available and chat as it goes on. One thing I've noticed is that quite alot of members are no longer active here, it would be a great way to have them back on the aarin community in the discord, being able to chat whenever they want, or check on us whenever they're available. It would be great if people who are newly joined to the Discord server to ask about stuffs about BL/Yaoi that is already on the site, and members here who know their stuff could link it over to them. Its really more of an exposure. I'm sure there would be people who would be willing to help out to guide or communicate with the new members. It would really be a way to be adding funds and increase the population/activity here. as long as we balance it out, the activity here would not lessen, in fact, we're promoting the forum much more easily and faster. We can link up our friends, and since I'm from the manga community, I myself could help out in alot. There's lot of BL in my company and I'm sure there's LOTS of people who LOVE BLs. The server could be just to promote, announce, and for the community to continue bonding/grow and having some kind of link to the forum etc for those who are no longer active here. The activity here would still stay and increase, and even lessen the amount of data needed here (chat can be moved over)

    And P.S I'm not a representative of discord or anything, I'm just a regular user there who is and has been in alot of servers. But I've seen many scanlation groups etc thrive from discord, and it would really help the site alot. I know there'll be people who are willing to take care of the server as I know many scans group who earn NOTHING and is there 24/7 to take care of the people and communicating with visitors or new members around. There's so many games and manga here, it'll definitely bring alot of people around to help. Especially members who are already here.

    Also, an suggestion: some female love otome games and with the amount of modders here, it would be great if in the server, there's an server for maybe otome game mod for android/pc ? so that people who are interested in not only BL could also join the community and find the game they want, maybe for donator-access only? I've seen a forum page that mods game etc and you need to get money to buy them/access the game links etc which is pretty popular for people willing to spend their buck, and if the page thrives enough, we can even give out some gifts/money for the modders to appreciate their hard work. This is a YAOI website, for sure, but it could be for the discord-server-only kind of thing, as well as a platform for modders to earn some pocket money, if not, even a channel for the modders (locked like announcements etc) would do, probably linking their forum name and maybe a paypal.me or a donation link to the modders themself who have been working hard on the mods for the forum, for people who are able to give some money to them. People normally donate to the forum/website as its the first thing people do, but people like me who normally would donate to the modders themself ( not as much as the donation to the form tho ) just for appreciation/gratitude.
    Last edited by amethystx; 05-03-2020 at 08:43 AM.

  11. #10
    Flurry of Dancing Flames

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    Wow, that is quite the post to read lol.

    Anyway, I don't use discord and don't plan to. I hardly like online socializing to begin with. I only ever use facebook and forums. So I can only say that I'd be sad to see the forum take a hit. I'd love to see something that would bring more to the forum.


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