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  1. #1
    Total Yaoi Freak

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    DM.SU's Guide to "REPUTATION" | Update: 5th Aug 2008

    Hope this explanation will help you

    Reputation Points

    What's my total reputation point?

    Click on User CP

    Scroll down until you see Latest Reputation Received. Next to it, on the far right side, is your total reputation points point(s) total. This is not the same as your bank points.

    You can also view your total reputation points in your username area when posting.

    Approving or 'Thanks' users

    You can approve someone by clicking on (for blue or dark forum theme) or (for green forum theme) in the bottom left corner of someone's post.

    A window should slide open with an option to approve or disapprove and to give a comment to the user. Approving someone is saying more than a thank you and adds more reputation points to that user than 'Thanks', which is explained later on.

    However, your username will not show up in that person's user cp when they check. So the user receiving the approved points will not know you unless you leave your username in the comments.

    The 'Thanks' button would be displayed at the bottom of the person's post, but it's only shown in some forum sections. By pressing it, it will not show your name in the person's user cp, but will show underneath the post you are thanking for.

    As shown in user control panel

    TIP: You can view all the 'Thanks' and rep comments you received for your post, by clicking (for blue or dark forum theme) or (for green forum theme). A box should appear, displaying a list of 'Thanks' and reps. If you didn't receive any of the two, a pop-up box will display your total reputation points.

    Number of points received and limitations

    You get reputation points by someone approving you (number of points added will depend on the user's rep power, explained below) or pressing 'Thanks' button, which will add 1 reputation point to the total.

    There is a limit to the number of people you can approve/rep someone.

    • You are only allowed to rep approve 10 users within 24 hours.
    • You cannot rep approve the person twice, unless you approve/'Thanks' 5 different users.
    • You can 'Thanks' as many people as you want - no limit.
    • For obvious reasons, you cannot 'Thanks' or rep yourself.

    If you receive a pop-error saying "Sorry, you cannot give reputation to this post," this means no-one can give reputation points in that forum section.

    Reputation points given and received

    In your User CP under Latest Reputation Received you will see the thread, date and comment. This will show the latest 5 approved/'Thanks' from the users.

    In Latest Reputation Given you will see the latest 5 approved/'Thanks' you had given, with the option to delete. You will have 5 minutes before the 'delete' option disappears.

    Finding and repping users who repped you

    If the user left their name in their rep comment, but didn't reply to a thread or a post for you to rep that person back, you can search for that user by going to Members List.

    On the right side, click on Search Members, type in the name of that user. When you get the results page, click on Find under Find Posts.

    Click on a random post title they've posted and just rep them by clicking on the blue tick box or 'Thanks' button if it's displayed. Also you could probably mention in your comments, which topic you're praising them for.

    This is just one example of repping someone back

    Reputation status boxes

    Depending on your total reputation points, you will get the coloured boxes (blue for default forum theme, green for forest theme) displayed under your username when you post.

    These boxes are just like status, rank symbols or a visual way to represent your contributions made to this forum and others.

    You get boxes by the following...

    • 5 dark coloured boxes = Starts with 1 free box till 500 reputation points total, 125 rep points each box.
    • 5 medium coloured boxes: Starts at 750 till 1750 reputation points total, 250 rep points each box.
    • 5 light coloured boxes: Starts at 2000 till 6000 reputation points total, 1000 rep points each box.
    • 1 bee = 7000 reputation points total, 7000 rep points each bee.

    (N.B This is different to the first post by Dai-Kun's requirements to get boxes because, I think, newly registered members get one box automatically without needing the 125 rep points. Please correct me if I'm wrong - thx )

    Using my profile for an example, I got 1275 reputation points total, so I got 5 dark coloured boxes and 3 medium coloured boxes:

    + 1 dark box for new member
    + 4 dark boxes (4 x 125 rep points = 500 rep points total)
    + 3 medium boxes (3 x 250 rep points = 750 + 500 = 1250 rep points total)

    So if I'm a newly registered user, I get 1 dark coloured box automatically. I need to get an additional 125 reputation points to get another dark coloured box, until I get a total of 5 dark coloured boxes.

    After that, I move on to the next level - medium coloured boxes - which I need to get 250 reputation points for each medium coloured box, until I get 5 medium coloured boxes to move to the next level etc.

    You get an animated bee when you have 7000 reputation points total, and will receive additional animated bees for every 7000 reputation points.

    After receiving your bee, your normal boxes will reset to the beginning. You will then receive the dark, medium and light coloured boxes like before.

    So when you have 7000 reputation points, you will have a bee; normal boxes disappear and get 1 coloured box as well. You then receive an additional 150 reputation points from user(s) (total 7150). You now have 1 bee and 2 dark coloured boxes.

    Note: It can vary the total amount of reputation points needed for a rep box when your total rep points goes beyond 7000+

    Special Rep

    For those who have received reputation 30k or more will receive special reputation icons underneath their names:

    Silver: = 5 bees
    Gold: = 5 bunnies

    *Thank you gokunaruto for the info

    Other reputation status boxes
    - Disabled reputation: You can disable showing your reputation in public by going to User CP
    - Negative reputation: When your reputation points total goes into the negative.

    Rep Power

    Rep Power is a user's way to affect users reputation points total.

    Rep Power affecting points positively

    New registered members, get 1 rep power.

    In this example, I've got a Rep Power of 19.

    When I approve someone (clicking the blue tick box in the top right corner) I can add 19 reputation points to that person's reputation total.

    E.g Person A has 400 reputation points total. Person B has a Rep Power of 4 and approves person A. Person A receives 4 reputation points and has a reputation point total of 404.

    Rep Power affecting points negatively

    However, there is an option to disapprove someone, probably because of an offensive comment that is not allowed in this forum, and will remove reputation points from the person's total and there is a negative factor multipled, which is 0.5.

    E.g Person A has 400 reputation points total. Person B has a Rep Power of 4 and disapproves person A. From the negative factor, Person B can remove 4x0.5 = 2 points from Person A's reputation point total, which is now 398.

    (N.B - I think this is how it works ^^; )

    How to increase Rep Power

    Increasing your Rep Power is done by the following, but only up to a maximum of 100:

    • Every month after registering (so joined on 14th April, next rep will be 14th May and so on), adds 1 rep power.
    • For each 100 posts you posted, adds 1 rep power.
    • For ever 100 reputation points you receive, adds 1 rep power.

    Just remember that you will not lose reputation points from your total reputation points when approving or 'Thanks' someone. This is different to the bank system, so don't worry when you do it

    I hope this explanation was helpful and answered some of your questions
    Last edited by dm.su; 08-19-2008 at 08:09 AM. Reason: Updated for new forum style

  2. + Show/Hide thank you list

    3.14, Aamyra, aerofaerie, AlexiaLee, AlishaCatherine, alveria89, angelvision, anime_cat, aoi_aka, aquara, arendiva, Ashana2010, Asmos, Ayanokoji, azure_sea, beggarsu, BF2525, bl4ckm4lice, BlindBliss, blu chocobo, Breanna14, cabbit_girl, Cannella, ceaseallfeeling, Cgem, charo, ChibiHime, ChiirokoChan, chillipepper, christine2000, CityisatWar, cleo3930, commonlogic, crazy_little_crow, crimsonsilverdragon, crinkletoes, cronomage389, CSMars, cubie, cuteRay08, Dagger, Dai-kun, DangerousAngel, Darkangel21, darkanya, darkmotives, DDDpop, DieTemplerin, DoraLemon, edlvmvmmrm, endlessai, eskamobob21, fallske, fannshin, Ferus37, Fey801, Flei, Foofie88, fouloldron, frei, Fuu Henjin, Gnarf, gokunaruto, gollumsfriend, GreenieChan, Hadas_g, heyya15965, hidden_mist, himelily, Hitomi Kanzaki, Hudbroza, icyburn, JANitor, Jisurein, kakashi0707, Kasayu, KateChibi, Kawa23, Keita4ever, kepompong, Kikinss, kinoo_kyuu, Kira-Yamato-kun, kirsu, krabuzh, Kradchen, kumi-kun, kunitsu, KuroiTsuki, kurorinslvr, ladyclovesmoke1859, LadyRukkah, Lally, lampi, lana777, lazyxhime, lilswtangel, limbodance, Loopylolly, loussi_leb_ru, Lovefromwcu, LovelessSoubi, LovelyCookie, lunaticpandora, Maggithamay, makiyuki, Mariko Hunter, marukusanagi, MayAlex, md_alicavition, melodysnow, menyus, mercurioghost, Meridethkun, Miko, Milwaen, Minaru, minasete, misskaname, mito, Miyu, mojo, naiaeiki, Naru-jang, Narumi, neitoperhonen, nekocchi, Nightingal, orangewillow, otakufox23, PifflePrincess, Pilikita, Pistra, PollyW, Puffsan, QueenChibi, r3wind, Raincat, ranchan33, REM and the IRS, renji14, rikiki, ritar, RueDauphin, ryla, saike, sakuraShuurei, sapphiretrini, sas399, sef, Selekis, SexyRyu28, Shadowsfaith, shayanane, shigrl, Shigure, Shikigami, Shippou-chan, shiroi_tenshi, Shisei, SilverFoxfire, Silverwyvern, Siriel Orelvia, SMCIanimegirl, Smoru, sniperewolf2, Snowyday, strawberriesandcream, Succhan, suicidal_yaoilove, sujasmine, sweetlife, sweetvcanday, Sweggi, Taekeru, Talasca, tenshi_no_akuma, The10thPlague, Thief, tightgrip, timetobealive, tinalilith, TomboyChick, Tryingtobehave, Twilight_Clouds, unknown3rd, VioletSuccubus, Vykasa_Lite, water444, waterbaby12us, xsJuu, xUsuratonkachix, Xx_Chibi_Hao_xX, xYuuki, yayforyaoi, YorumiAkihime, yvy, zeniceomega, zeroless

  3. #2
    Nether Horizon

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    Copied and stickied so that this post can be more easily found.

    ~ Thanks dm.su!

    Additional Note:

    There are 2 kinds of points:
    1. Reputation Points and
    2. $ points - like forum "money"

    eg: My Reputation points level today is 7270. In a thread post, it is represented by the green/blue bars indicating my rep power. Rep power accumulates according to the amount of rep points that you have. My rep power is 125
    (7270 rep points = a rep power of 125).

    Additional Note:

    Rep power is basically a representation of your status and experience in the community. They are nontransferable. Rep point increase by one of the following means:
    1. Someone give you a positive rep.
    2. Someone "Thanks" you. (by using the "thanks" button)
    3. Every member's rep points increase in small amounts automatically, as time passes by.
    (Rep points decrease if someone gives you a negative rep)

    Forum points ($) on the other hand are like forum money. These are what can be donated to other users and used to buy stuff in the forum. Forum points, if deposited in the "bank" accumulate interest.

    So, in a thread - this is what appears:
    Your Avatar
    Your # Number of posts
    Your points ($$$forum money)
    Join date
    Rep Power.
    Last edited by Miko; 08-01-2007 at 01:25 PM.

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  5. #3
    Yaoi Addict

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    Sasuke (L12)Naruto Sage (L10)Itachi (L10)
    Light (L10)Luffy (L10)Zoro (L9)
    can you give an explanation on the rep titles and equiv rep pts

    eg 0-100 pts is on a distinguished road etc... (maybe i made this up, but just giving up an example..lol)

  6. #4
    Yaoi Addict
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    Balthier (L6)Bartz (L1)Squall (L6)

    Just adding information:

    The rank system works via rep points. So, if you have gained rep power with the months, but nobody thanked you, your reputation rank still stays the same.

    So, this is the list.

    0 - 9 = an unknown quantity at that point
    10 - 49 = is on a distinguished road
    50 - 149 = will become famous soon enough
    150 - 249 = has a spectacular aura about
    250 - 349 = a jewel in the rough
    350 - 449 = just really nice
    450 - 549 = a glorious beacon of light
    550 - 649 = a name known to all
    650 - 999 = a splendid one to behold
    1000 - 1499 = has much to be proud of
    1500 - 1999 = has a brilliant future
    2000 - unlimited = has a reputation beyond repute

    If I have made a mistake somewhere along the lines, please drop me a note - No one is perfect after all ^_^

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  8. #5
    Yaoi Lover

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    Apr 2007
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    Akihito (L10)(S021) RikiMasahiro GnK (L9)
    Rintarou Noe (L8)Tohru Suki (L4)Akito GnK (L9)

    Hi everybody I have a question about this issue, so somebody may reply... I wasn't really active for a long time (not to say "dead" ), so I missed the point when the old system was switched to the new one. Now, I remember that in the old one you could give rep points in the Fiction sec., but now... I tried to find the rep button (first I thought that I'm only blind ), but I couldn't. Could somebody tell me how I could give reps to, for example, people for their fics/poems who have never posted in other sections? Maybe I just missed something....

    Thanks for every suggestion!!!
    Last edited by Milwaen; 07-11-2009 at 08:31 AM.

  9. #6
    Extreme Yaoi Guru

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    Quote Originally Posted by Milwaen View Post
    Hi everybody I have a question about this issue, so somebody may reply... I wasn't really active for a long time (not to say "dead" ), so I missed the point when the old system was switched to the new one. Now, I remember that in the old one you could give rep points in the Fiction sec., but now... I tried to find the rep button (first I thought that I'm only blind ), but I couldn't. Could somebody tell me how I could give reps to, for example, people for their fics/poems who have never posted in other sections? Maybe I just missed something....

    Thanks for every suggestion!!!
    you will not be able to give them a rep if they never posted anywhere other than the fiction section. The fiction forum no longer provides that option. You could always send a vm or pm that is a way to show your thanks.

    You may also PM the author and ask if they have a post that you may rep or thank if you really feel that is how you'd like to show your appreciation.

  10. #7
    So is rep represented by the little shiny rainbow bar thingy, or is that something completely different..
    if you already explained that, I'm sorry ><;;

  11. #8
    In Love with Cute Chibis

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  12. #9
    In Love with Cute Chibis

    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In the land of cute chibis

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    Klaus (L10)Taki (L10)Kagerou (L9)
    Wolfram (L10)Kazuki OTRFK (L10)Wataru OTRFK (L10)

    Reputation status boxes - Updates

    • 5 dark coloured boxes = Starts with 1 free box till 500 reputation points total, 100 rep points each box.
    • 5 medium coloured boxes: Starts at 500 till 1500 reputation points total, 200 rep points each box.
    • 5 light coloured boxes: Starts at 1500 till 6500 reputation points total, 1000 rep points each box.
    • 1 bee = 6500 reputation points total, 6500 rep points each bee.

    6500 reputation points -
    13000 reputation points -
    19500 reputation points -
    26000 reputation points -
    32500 reputation points -
    65000 reputation points -
    97500 reputation points -
    130000 reputation points -
    162500 reputation points -



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