Maybe you said 'thanks' under the post you want to rep.
Uhm, could it be that you used ä,ö,ü in your rep? I'm from Germany and I noticed, that in pms those letters work, but in reps they don't. E.g. the rep window opens, you type in the message and when you click enter, nothing happens. I nowadays only use ae, oe or ue for reps ^^;
I was about to ask.. but I guess my question is being answered..
But still I would like to ask, is it possible to know who give you a +ve rep?
When I want to rep someone, it very often isn´t working. I see other people use stuff like , ^^ so this is obviously working for them. I never use any äöü letters in my reps, so I really have no idea why it isn´t working for me.
What do you mean it isn't working for you? Did you want to give rep for someone? or add smiley when repping?
Couple of reasons for rep not working may be, you already rep/thank that person and haven't rep 5 different people when repping the same person again. (You can't rep twice for a person right after!)
Another could be, you already passed the limit to rep someone and have to wait another 24 hours...
Not sure if this helps.
I also didn´t use any ä ö ü letters but I believe there are other characters that you can´t use in a rep. I just leave out any characters that might be a problem... like * ´ " ^^ -- stuff like that. If you only use letters and basic punctuation( ! , ? . ), it shouldn´t be a problem. I tried it a couple of times since yesterday and it always worked...
I will try both of your suggestions, thank you!