aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

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  1. #51
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

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    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Quote Originally Posted by Jenka View Post
    So I just set up a $3 monthly donation from my Paypal and I didn't see any place to put my username. The email I use to log into Aarinfantasy is different from my Paypal so if you see an email that starts with bluefo***** (asterisks for privacy) that's me.
    Okay Jenka! Noted about this, thank you~


    I forgot that Feb has only 28 days and I wanted to update things at "the end of February" which I thought is this weekend, as I am currently busy on weekdays. So please bear with me till then ^_^;;

  2. #52
    Yaoi Addict

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Las Vegas

    Akashi (L7)Heart 1 (Blue)Kuroko (L7)
    Kuroko (L8)Heart 1 (Red)Akashi (L9)
    Lan WangJi / Lan Zhan (L6)Spacer 1(S052) Yuri Katsuki
    Supported on Ko-fi. I'm not the most active, but I love the community.

  3. #53
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

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    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Updating donors list and amount from 18th Feb till 3rd March 2019.

    Note: This is counted for March's donation goal first and will only reflect on April's donation goal only in April since there may be people changing their monthly donation goal amount or possible cancellation.

    Total: $366

    One time:

    Total: $843

    There's still $251 to go for April's donation goal. Will only include monthly donors amount if they still stay on the monthly donation at the month of April and that will be reflected in April. Anything extra will be carry forward to the next month. That's one reason why I am showing amount here so everyone can see how we're doing and can pin point to me if I made any calculation errors.

    We're basically safe for two months for now, but hope there can be more donation to cover more.

    I will be sending out forum points by next week to all donors according to the amount donated and possibly put a new status for monthly donors (for me to easily identify) and also boost some stuff for Contributor's status... and I plan to do more next time. I will write up something to thank everyone properly too and will post that everywhere (social media).

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  5. #54
    Extreme Yaoi Guru

    Join Date
    May 2005
    A Chocobo Ranch

    Barnaby (L2)Kotetsu (L2)Josef (L2)
    Ginji Amano (L10)Sinbad (L9)Jousuke (L2)
    Kanji P4 (L1)Alibaba (L6)Yosuke P4 (L1)

    I haven't been on in forever, but I still want to see this forum keep going Sent in my one-time donation for now~

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  7. #55
    Yaoi Lover

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    The land of coyotes

    DS_003_(1)topleftGoku (Seiten Taisei) (L10)Love (01)
    Angry (01)Sanzo (L10)DS_003_(6)bottomright
    (S078) Doumeki (chibi)(S079) Mafuyu Sato(S073) Alucard
    For years, I've enjoyed your work on subbing yaoi and translating manga. The least I can do is donate what I can when you need it the most.

    Thank you very much for your continued dedication to the forums and to your fellow fans.

  8. #56
    Yaoi Amateur

    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    haven't been here for long and am pretty quiet when i'm around but i couldn't help but pitch in what little i can to help out<3 hope you find a steady source of funding/income to keep this lovely community going~!

  9. #57
    Yaoi Amateur
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by aarinfantasy View Post
    Updating donors list and amount from 18th Feb till 3rd March 2019.

    We're basically safe for two months for now, but hope there can be more donation to cover more.
    Hi, I want to help! I don't know if you'll know me, but I run Yaoi Haven Reborn. Is there somewhere we can chat? I guarantee that I help out with more than just donating =)

  10. #58
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

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    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Quote Originally Posted by atoro View Post
    Hi, I want to help! I don't know if you'll know me, but I run Yaoi Haven Reborn. Is there somewhere we can chat? I guarantee that I help out with more than just donating =)
    Hi, you can PM me (click here)

    Thank you.

  11. #59
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

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    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Hello everyone, it’s been a month since “Save AarinFantasy Forum” thread started and donations came in quite decently. We are just able to cover till 2-3 months for now, so I will be able to keep the forum running, but at the same time I hope there will be more steady or monthly donations even if it’s just a small amount.

    I am very thankful to everyone who have donated and offered support in any way they can. Those who weren’t able to donate, please don’t feel bad about it because I know most of you have wanted to but can’t and at least able to share the news to reach out to others. Through this experience, I am touched that even those who have not been visiting the forum for a long time even came back and donated. Can’t thank you all enough, at least the forum will still be alive for now.

    We will be migrating the server to a lower cost one this coming weekend if possible, and may have a short down time during that. Meanwhile, I will be checking on all donors usernames, sending forum points and will give forum bonus soon, and possibly do more if I can.

    I also wanted to mention this again and in case anyone’s wondering sometimes why I can sponsor or do giveaways… all giveaways previously were funded from only profits made by my online shop or from my own money and I intend to still do so. I couldn’t do any giveaways for the past few months because I used up the profits from my shop to fund the forum during those months. Well, I know it isn’t important for doing giveaways but I want to run some activities to give out something that fans may like and those who have been supporting my site. What I am trying to say is that the donations I get will be solely for the forum funds only and as always, I will be transparent about it at the forum’s donation thread. I prefer to only use the shop’s profits for giveaways and other BL related activities that I do like attending events, sponsoring etc. In a way, I felt this is better like a cycle rather than all just on me (or mainly on KK, the previous big donor I mentioned about before).

    I will also try to be more active with forum’s activities next month, and possibly do things that are more useful for the BL community. So please make sure to stay tuned at this forum or follow my social media for updates at:

    Overall through this month, I am glad that people still cared for the site and actually talked to me about certain things and shared thoughts/memories about the forum, I really appreciate that very much. Though the forum is considered ‘safe’ for now, please don’t mind me if I need to put out some reminders on donating in future because it helps to keep the site going. Once again, a huge thank you to everyone who helped! Please don’t forget to help the forum whenever you can, but at the same time please don’t get or feel burdened by it.

    Big thanks and hugs from Aarin~

    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 03-17-2019 at 10:15 PM.

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  13. #60
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Just a quick update:
    - I have personally sent all forum points to each donors who donated before today. Monthly donors get x2 the amount of points according to the donated amount... like $1 donated, you will get 200,000 points instead of 100,000 points. Feel free to message me if I make any mistake on the points I have sent because I sent out all one by one by copy and pasting names and checking on amount donated, and eyes may be blurry ^^;;

    - I'm compiling donors' name as usual but will put out at the end or beginning of each month, so it's easier to update.

    - Because of the forum server migration this coming weekend, I will only add the contributor's bonuses (more inbox messages storage etc) and all forum settings related stuff after the migration.

    - Please watch out for more in April since this month (March) has been a busy month and also kinda bad timing (due to illness at home, I got a bit sick and recovered in a few days but my mom's been more sick than I am, probably contagious flu so taking care of her)

    - The current forum's donation goal has been updated today, please check at: https://ko-fi.com/I2I8QLNY



    On the other hand, I want to give an extra shout out and thanks to @atoro ; from Yaoi Haven Reborn, for offering their help eventhough it didn't work out. Thank you anyway ^^
    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 03-21-2019 at 12:21 AM.

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