aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

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  1. #201
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) MisakiJae Shin (L6)(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Thank you very much for your donations~

    Hi everyone, June 2023 goal has been fulfilled. We are currently receiving donations for July 2023 goal and any extra will be forwarded to the next month. Thank you so much for keeping this forum and community alive.

    If you're not aware yet, we've subbed a few short videos very recently - Shitasaki Kara Koi and Mask Danshi: This Shouldn't Lead to Love PV, do check them out! Not much, but at least something to look forward later with Mask Danshi and we'll translate it if there's enough resources by then.

    Reminder >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Total from Monthly Donors: $469 (as of 1st April 2023)

    Total from One Time Donors: $65 (as of 1st April 2023)

    Total from latest donation: $534
    June 2023 goal needed: $517
    Forward this amount or balance to next goal (July 2023): $17
    July 2023's goal needed: -$660
    $534 - $517 - $660 = -$643 (still need $643 for July 2023's goal)

    Everything added up till this date (1st April 2023), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for July 2023: $643

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2022 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-June 2023 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    July 2023 = still need $643 (out of $660)

    - Donations from 1st April 2023 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations or 2 months at one go~ For everyone who donated, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)

  2. #202
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) MisakiJae Shin (L6)(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Thanks again for the donations!
    I'll be taking a short personal break~

    Hi everyone, we are currently still receiving donations for July 2023 goal and also for August 2023 goal combined since July's had a bit left. Thank you all once again!

    I am going to be taking a short personal break for a week some time in May - This is also partly to bring a bit of content to the community... well nothing for downloading or fansubbing, but perhaps more on informative content and maybe some nice goodies for giveaways or contests. Haha yeah, while I said it's a personal break... I will still be constantly thinking about what to contribute or what to do for our BL community even if it's not much. I may not be reachable for some time in May, so if you have any questions or expecting replies from me, please wait till I return from the break.

    Reminder >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Total from Monthly Donors: $447(as of 1st May 2023)

    Total from One Time Donors: $113 (as of 1st May 2023)

    Total from latest donation: $560
    July 2023 goal needed: $643
    August 2023's goal needed: -$660
    $560 - $643 - $660 = -$743 (still need $743 for July and August 2023's goal)

    Everything added up till this date (1st May 2023), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for July and August 2023 combined: $743

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2022 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-June 2023 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    July 2023 = still need $83 (out of $660)
    August 2023 = still need $660 (out of $660)

    - Donations from 1st May 2023 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations or 2 months at one go~ For everyone who donated, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Save AarinFantasy Forum-053_1may2023_onetime.jpg  
    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 05-04-2023 at 02:38 AM.

  3. #203
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) MisakiJae Shin (L6)(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Big Thank You!

    Hi everyone, we are able to fulfill July and August 2023 goal, thanks to everyone's kind donation and huge shout out to those that return from inactivity to make donations too. The forum is able to survive for a few extra more months!

    Glad some of you enjoyed reading about my recent Tokyo trip that featured a few places that sells BL, and find it useful. That's my main intention and hopefully I get to do more similar content next time too. Bought a few items from Animate in Tokyo for contest or giveaways, so please watch out for them. This week or so, I will get back to do some fansub again - old title and also a mini chibi series.

    Reminder >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Total from Monthly Donors: $442(as of 1st June 2023)

    Total from One Time Donors: $634 (as of 1st June 2023)

    Total from latest donation: $1076
    July and August 2023 goal needed: $743
    September 2023's goal needed: -$660
    $1076 - $743 - $660 = -$327 (still need $327 for September 2023's goal)

    Everything added up till this date (1st June 2023), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for September 2023: $327

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2022 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Aug 2023 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    September 2023 = still need $327 (out of $660)

    - Donations from 1st June 2023 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations or 2 months at one go~ For everyone who donated, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)

  4. #204
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) MisakiJae Shin (L6)(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Thank you for the donations~

    Hi everyone, we are able to fulfill September 2023 goal, and currently receiving donations for October 2023's goal. Thank you for your donations so far!

    For the past few weeks, I have been binge watching Korean BL drama, as they are getting so good each year. I was quite invested in one of it lately (Title: Love Tractor) that I went to try translating Korean video clips of that show's Behind-The-Scenes... it was super challenging for me because my Korean language understanding is just sub-par and it takes a few hours just for a 5 minutes video This is up with the other Korean BL Drama that I really like which is "Semantic Error". Do give them a try if you have never watch them before... both are around 3 hours each... not too long and easy to watch.

    Will have another giveaway this coming week, after the ViewFinder and BTS giveaway ends. Watch out for that too!

    Reminder >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Total from Monthly Donors: $435(as of 1st July 2023)

    Total from One Time Donors: $42 (as of 1st July 2023)

    Total from latest donation: $477
    September 2023 goal needed: $327
    October 2023's goal needed: -$660
    $477 - $327 - $660 = -$510 (still need $510 for October 2023's goal)

    Everything added up till this date (1st July 2023), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for October 2023: $510

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2022 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Sept 2023 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    October 2023 = still need $510 (out of $660)

    - Donations from 1st July 2023 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations or 2 months at one go~ For everyone who donated, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)
    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 07-05-2023 at 07:12 AM.

  5. #205
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) MisakiJae Shin (L6)(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Thanks for the donations~

    Hi everyone, we are able to fulfill October 2023 goal, and currently receiving donations for November 2023's goal. Thank you for your kind donations.

    For this month, we are planning to sub a new and upcoming title, so finally a full BL anime to look out for! It's a surprise title, but may not be too surprising for those who already know (the BL anime was streamed in Japan not long ago). So please check back the forum for it as I may not be announcing it on social media.

    Also, there's an on-going giveaway to win a cute Houkago No Etude pouch and BTS item at: https://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f285/...o-etude-x.html

    Reminder >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Total from Monthly Donors: $424(as of 1st July 2023)

    Total from One Time Donors: $148 (as of 1st July 2023)

    Total from latest donation: $572
    October 2023 goal needed: $510
    November 2023's goal needed: -$660
    $572 - $510 - $660 = -$598 (still need $598 for November 2023's goal)

    Everything added up till this date (1st August 2023), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for November 2023: $598

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2022 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Oct 2023 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    November 2023 = still need $598 (out of $660)

    - Donations from 1st August 2023 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations or 2 months at one go~ For everyone who donated, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)
    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 08-04-2023 at 09:15 AM.

  6. #206
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) MisakiJae Shin (L6)(S098) Yuto Lennix

    New fansub and Thank You for donating!~

    Hello, we are still receiving donations for November 2023's goal and will add December's to the current goal as well. As you may have noticed, donations are getting slower but I really thank you for your kind donations thus far!~

    As mentioned last month and also to thank supporters, we've fansubbed earlier the latest SasaMiya movie, so please check that out if you haven't yet. We've decided to get it subbed especially for certain parts in the show where there need to be explanations from the translator... for example, Miyano lent Sasaki certain manga titles because they are considered auspicious, and others. Hope you find our translations useful in that aspect.

    In conjunction with this release of SasaMiya, I've hosted a giveaway for official Sasaki and Miyano Graduation Movie physical prizes at: https://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f285/...ion-movie.html
    Be sure to give it a try after you watched the show and if you want to stand a chance to win those cute goodies.

    Reminder >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Total from Monthly Donors: $413(as of 1st Aug 2023)

    Total from One Time Donors: $35 (as of 1st Aug 2023)

    Total from latest donation: $448
    November 2023 goal needed: $598
    December 2023's goal needed: -$660
    $448 - $598 - $660 = -$150 (still need $150 for November 2023's goal)

    Everything added up till this date (1st September 2023), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for November and December 2023: $810 (2 months)

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2022 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Oct 2023 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    November 2023 = still need $150 (out of $660)
    December 2023 = still need $660 (out of $660)

    - Donations from 1st September 2023 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations or 2 months at one go~ For everyone who donated, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)
    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 09-04-2023 at 11:27 PM.

  7. #207
    Yaoi Fan

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    In the land of the rains~

    Shiki TnC (L10)DS_006_midAkira TnC (L9)
    DS_006_leftChoutsugai Shirou (L1)DS_006_right
    Sorry, for unexpected cut-off of donation - -'' (I needed to renew my card) But now, I can finally do it again ^^

  8. #208
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) MisakiJae Shin (L6)(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Sudden donations, huge thank you!

    Hello everyone, I have to post this earlier than usual... Since yesterday there was a sudden spike in donations (especially One Time donations) which was very abnormal so I found out that a Twitter post by @thwop_x has gained traction about helping the forum. Thanks to that post and everyone's donation, the forum now has achieved the Nov-Dec goals fairly quickly! Therefore, I will compile all donations I've gotten so far since it's almost end of the month and any balance will be forwarded to the next goal which is January 2024.

    I truly appreciate everyone who wrote little messages about why they donated to the forum and they are really touching. I am glad to know that the forum is and has been a place that has helped someone in someway in their life... so that really means a lot. Again, I will try to keep the site alive as long as there's enough resources. Thank you everyone again for all your kind thoughts and support.

    Just in case... do consider following my social media if you haven't yet:

    Reminder >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Total from Monthly Donors: $432(as of 29th Sept 2023)

    Total from One Time Donors: $780 (as of 29th Sept 2023)

    Total from latest donation: $1212
    November-December 2023 goal needed: $810
    January 2024's goal needed: -$660
    $1212 - $810 - $660 = -$258 (still need $258 for Jan 2024's goal)

    Everything added up till this date (29th September 2023), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for January 2024: $258

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    Jan-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    Jan-Dec 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    Jan-Dec 2022 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    Jan-Dec 2023 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January 2024 = still need $258 (out of $660)

    - Donations from 29th September 2023 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations or 2 months at one go~ For everyone who donated, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)
    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 11-14-2023 at 05:59 AM.

  9. #209
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) MisakiJae Shin (L6)(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Another update~

    A quick update on the post before this. Looks like the donation for January 2024's has been achieved too as donations from the previous goal have covered most of January's. So I am forwarding the balance to next month's goal which is for February 2024.

    Reminder >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Total from Monthly Donors: $3 (as of 30th Sept 2023 - just one day)

    Total from One Time Donors: $283 (as of 30th Sept 2023 - just one day)

    Total from latest donation: $286
    Jan 2024 goal needed: $258
    Feb 2024's goal needed: -$660
    $286 - $258 - $660 = -$632 (still need $632 for Feb 2024's goal)

    Everything added up till this date (30th September 2023), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for February 2024: $632

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    Jan-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    Jan-Dec 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    Jan-Dec 2022 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    Jan-Dec 2023 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January 2024 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    February 2024 = still need $632 (out of $660)

    - Donations from 1st October 2023 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations or 2 months at one go~ For everyone who donated, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)

  10. #210
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) MisakiJae Shin (L6)(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Happy 19th Anniversary!~

    Hi everyone, the forum has turned 19! We really came a long way, didn't we? Been super busy these past few weeks so I am unable to think of something to do for the anniversary... will probably plan something for December or new year.

    Do remember to check out our latest Eng subbed release of Mask Danshi if you haven't! I'm sorry as we were busy with subbing the show, I've completely forgotten about keeping up with the yearly Halloween's edition forum card even though not many are collecting anymore but I'd like to make cards still... so I guess I will do the next ones which are the anniversary and Christmas/New Year ones, plus those from contest winners.

    We are receiving donations for February 2024's goal and will add March's goal to the current goal as well, so that any extra will go directly to the next month's goal. BIG THANK YOU once again!

    Reminder >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Total from Monthly Donors: $426(as of 1st Nov 2023)

    Total from One Time Donors: $32 (as of 1st Nov 2023)

    Total from latest donation: $458
    Feb 2024 goal needed: $632
    Mar 2024's goal needed: -$660
    $458 - $632 - $660 = -$834 (still need $834 for Feb and Mar 2024's goal)

    Everything added up till this date (31st October 2023), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for February and March 2024: $834

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    Jan-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    Jan-Dec 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    Jan-Dec 2022 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    Jan-Dec 2023 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January 2024 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    February 2024 = still need $174 (out of $660)
    March 2024 = still need $660

    - Donations from 1st November 2023 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations or 2 months at one go~ For everyone who donated, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)
    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 11-05-2023 at 09:18 PM.

  11. + Show/Hide thank you list


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