aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

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Results 161 to 170 of 225
  1. #161
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Thank you very much!

    July 2021's goal achieved, and currently open for August 2021's goal.
    Working on a few seiyuu talks (from BL animes) this few weeks, since I've a friend who can help translate and I forgot she is interested in seiyuu that voices for BL anime.

    Highlighting this again: Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Take care and stay safe everyone!~


    Total from Monthly Donors: $604 (as of 1st May 2021)

    Total from One Time Donors: $85 (as of 1st May 2021)

    Latest from donation: $689
    July goal needed: -$518
    Amount carry forward to August 2021 goal: $171
    $689 - $518 - $660 = -$489 (still need $489 for August's goal of $660)

    Everything added up till this date (1st May 2021), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for August 2021: $489

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-June 2020 = $660 (achieved)
    July-Dec 2020 = $660 (achieved)
    January 2021 = $660 (achieved)
    February 2021 = $660 (achieved)
    March 2021 = $660 (achieved)
    April 2021 = $660 (achieved)
    May 2021 = $660 (achieved)
    June 2021 = $660 (achieved)
    July 2021 = $660 (achieved)
    August 2021 = still need $489

    - Donations from 1st May 2021 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Still Ongoing: Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations~ For everyone who donated for the the previous goal, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)
    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 05-03-2021 at 11:09 PM.

  2. #162
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Thank you for your donations!~

    August 2021's goal just achieved, and we are currently open for September 2021's goal.
    Maybe working on a fun seiyuu project related to Dakaretai Otoko, but this will be hours long video, so the translator needs to take quite a some time for it. Please note that we have different translators for different projects (according to their preference on what they want to translate), so hope this answers your question of "Why can't you finish the on-going Project X first and then only start another one??".

    Highlighting this again: Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    As always... Take care and stay safe everyone!~


    Total from Monthly Donors: $609 (as of 1st June 2021)

    Total from One Time Donors: $30 (as of 1st June 2021)

    Latest from donation: $639
    August goal needed: -$489
    Amount carry forward to September 2021 goal: $150
    $639 - $489 - $660 = -$510 (still need $510 for September's goal of $660)

    Everything added up till this date (1st June 2021), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for September 2021: $510

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-June 2020 = $660 (achieved)
    July-Dec 2020 = $660 (achieved)
    January- August 2021 = $660 (achieved)
    September 2021 = still need $510

    - Donations from 1st June2021 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Still Ongoing: Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations~ For everyone who donated for the the previous goal, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)

  3. #163
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Thank you again!~

    September 2021's goal just achieved, and we are currently open for October 2021's goal.
    So I have been having some thoughts recently and was wondering what do you think about this issue: Will you still visit the forum if we turn legal?
    Please let me know your opinion if you have any, otherwise please at least vote in the poll. Thank you~

    Reminder alert >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    As usual... Take care and stay safe everyone!~


    Total from Monthly Donors: $583 (as of 1st July 2021)

    Total from One Time Donors: $122 (as of 1st July 2021)

    Latest from donation: $705
    September goal needed: -$510
    Amount carry forward to October 2021 goal: $195
    $705 - $510 - $660 = -$465 (still need $465 for October's goal of $660)

    Everything added up till this date (1st July 2021), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for October 2021: $465

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-June 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    July-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January- September 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    October 2021 = still need $465

    - Donations from 1st July 2021 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Still Ongoing: Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations~ For everyone who donated for the the previous goal, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)
    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 07-03-2021 at 11:06 PM.

  4. + Show/Hide thank you list

  5. #164
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Thank you for 2 months' goal achieved!~

    Received some large one-time donations from some people last month and together with all other kind donations (no matter how big or small), the total are able to cover the remaining October and entire November's goal too. So really THANK YOU so much!~

    This is from last month but I will post here again.... I have been having some thoughts and was wondering what do you think about this issue: Will you still visit the forum if we turn legal?
    Please let me know your opinion if you have any, otherwise please at least vote in the poll. Thank you~

    Reminder alert >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Please take care and stay safe everyone!~

    Total from Monthly Donors: $585 (as of 1st August 2021)

    Total from One Time Donors: $581 (as of 1st August 2021)

    Latest from donation: $1166
    October's goal needed: -$456 (achieved)
    November's goal needed: -$660 (achieved)
    Amount carry forward to December 2021 goal: $50
    $1166 - $456(Oct) - $660(Nov) - $660(Dec) = -$610 (still need $610 for December's goal of $660)

    Everything added up till this date (1st August 2021), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for December 2021: $610

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-June 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    July-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January- November 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    December 2021 = still need $610

    - Donations from 1st August 2021 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Still Ongoing: Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations~ For everyone who donated for the the previous goal, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)
    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 08-04-2021 at 04:23 AM.

  6. #165
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    2021 donation goals achieved, thank you!~

    Thanks to everyone who has been supporting the site, we are able to achieve this year's donation goals. I will still try to keep this site up as long as we can... especially when I have your support whether it's visit counts, contributions or donations to the site. I understand that the site has been slowing down a lot these few years, but I am glad to know that some of you still want this place up as your "home" or just for nostalgic reason...
    Anyhow, I hope to put in some unique or different content related to BL next time, and also planning the direction of this site as some sort of change is needed to something more positive for the sustainability of this site.

    Reminder alert >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Meanwhile, how is everyone holding up to the current pandemic issue? I really hope everyone here is at least doing okay, and please let us know your side regarding this... whether you want to rant or just wanna talk about it, you can always write something here: Coronavirus concerns and checks
    Do take care and stay safe everyone!~

    Total from Monthly Donors: $564 (as of 1st September 2021)

    Total from One Time Donors: $30 (as of 1st September 2021)

    Latest from donation: $594
    December's goal needed: -$610
    Amount still needed for December: -$16 (Aarin will cover this amount so we can move on to next goal)
    January 2022's goal needed: -$660

    Everything added up till this date (1st September 2021), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for January 2022: $660

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-June 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    July-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January 2022 = still need $660

    - Donations from 1st September 2021 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Still Ongoing: Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations~ For everyone who donated for the the previous goal, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)
    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 09-04-2021 at 10:38 PM.

  7. #166
    Yaoi Amateur

    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Thank you!

    I just wanted to write a quick message of thanks! This website got me through some hard times when I was in high school almost 10 years ago now and it is what spurred me on to take Japanese at uni and move to Japan. I still come back to this sight when I'm feeling like there is not enough BL in my life. Thank you so much and I will be supporting the forum from now on ❤️❤️❤️
    Last edited by benVassell; 09-26-2021 at 01:11 PM.

  8. #167
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Thank you for your donations~

    January 2022's goal achieved and any extra has been forwarded to Feb 2022's goal.
    Typing the year "2022" seems unreal, it's just about 3 months away.

    There were a few setbacks lately, I've wanted to implement something to the forum but due to technical issue, it's been delayed. If according to plan, no major changes for current members, so you don't have to worry. I wanted to explain about this in detail, but unable to as we are not sure if it can really be done... haha. So, still need to speak with the tech admin about it.

    Reminder alert >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Total from Monthly Donors: $556 (as of 1st October 2021)

    Total from One Time Donors: $120 (as of 1st October 2021)

    Total from latest donation: $676
    Jan 2022's goal needed: -$660
    Amount carry forward to Feb 2022 goal: $16
    2022's goal needed: -$660
    $676 - $660 - $660 = -$644 (still need $644 for Feb 2022's goal of $660)

    Everything added up till this date (1st October 2021), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for February 2022: $644

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January 2022 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    February 2022 = still need $644

    - Donations from 1st October 2021 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Still Ongoing: Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations~ For everyone who donated for the the previous goal, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)

  9. #168
    Yaoi Lover
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Sousuke Yamazaki (L9)X Standard (Black)Rin Matsuoka (L9)
    Zoro (L9)X Standard (Black)Sanji (L9)
    LiHuan (L3)Erwin SnK (L9)YuYang (L3)
    wait.. how can i help to donate..?? im gonna look around.. umm

  10. #169
    Extreme Yaoi Guru

    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Switzerland -> where Heidi lives...Just say 'cause it's a very small country you know XD

    Free SharkSOTM - 2 StarsFree Dolphin
    DS_006_leftHaruka Nanase (L9)Rin Matsuoka (L9)
    Eiji Okumura (L8)Ash Lynx (L8)DS_006_right

    @Suiran; On the first post is everything explained There's 2 options; Either via aarinsecret.com (if you want monthly support) or ko-fi.com/aarinfantasy (single/monthly support)-> https://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f12/t...asy-forum.html

  11. #170
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Forum 17th anniversary! Thank you~

    This month (Nov 2021) marks the 17th year of this forum, another year flies by!
    Thank you all for still supporting the forum all these years and still keeping it alive with all your visits, contributions and donations. Big hugs for everyone!~

    Taking this chance to mention some small add-ons to the forum in October,
    thanks to @sumire007 ; for the suggestions:
    - You can now add your social media links to your Profile page (Twitter, FB, IG, etc.)
    - There are more updated emojis or smiley faces which you are more familiar with such as :
    and a few more.

    Reminder alert >>> Please be aware that I am auto deleting inactive accounts as mentioned here: Mass deletion for inactive account.

    Total from Monthly Donors: $557 (as of 1st November 2021)

    Total from One Time Donors: $48 (as of 1st November 2021)

    Total from latest donation: $605
    Feb 2022's goal needed: -$644
    Amount still needed for Feb 2022 goal: $39
    2022's goal needed: -$660
    $605 - $644 - $660 = -$699 (still need $699 for Feb/Mar 2022's goal)

    Everything added up till this date (1st November 2021), we will still need this amount for the current goal which is for February and March 2022: $699

    For reference, the goals are as follow:
    March 2019 = $800 (achieved)
    April-Dec 2019 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2020 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January-Dec 2021 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    January 2022 = $660 monthly (achieved)
    February 2022 = still need $39
    March 2022 = still need $660

    - Donations from 1st November 2021 onwards will only be reflected next month.
    - Still Ongoing: Forum points will be given out when I can for this month's donations~ For everyone who donated for the the previous goal, you will get x10 the amount as a bonus! (For example, if you donated $10, you will get 10m points instead of 1m points). Thank you! (Remember, this is not to entice you to donate but just a small gesture to thank you)
    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 11-04-2021 at 09:26 PM.


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