aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

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  1. #1
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Donating to AarinFantasy (Nov 2014 onwards)

    Please contribute when you can!

    Due to recent changes in policy from a certain company that handled our donation transactions for the past few years, it is unfortunate that we are unable to post direct link here in the forum anymore. So we are changing it a bit but will still be able to receive your donation.

    Please NOTE that donations are not consider paying for the service from the site or any one admin/mods. This donation is something to give as part of helping AarinFantasy. Please do not expect donations to mean that you can get anything you want or get personal/custom privileges which breaks our rules.

    How to donate to AarinFantasy:

    Step 1:
    Simply send aarinfantasy a Private Message (PM) with the subject/title: "Donating to AF". In the PM content, please write your email address (the one that you always use/check).

    Step 2:
    Just wait till aarinfantasy sends you instructions on how to donate via Private Message.

    Step 3:
    Follow what's mentioned in the PM/email and donate.


    When donating:
    Please remember to write your username of this forum at the note section during the donating process. The minimum donation amount is $5.00 USD and the maximum amount is infinite.

    After donation:
    You will get a PM of confirmation and points from aarinfantasy after confirmation of receiving your donation. Please allow 3-7 days for this confirmation and reflecting on the donation goal since I am doing it manually now.
    Your donation will be listed in this thread. Don't worry, we will never post your personal details here. Just an initial email and date for confirmation and transparency to those who donated. No usernames or any names will be mentioned here. This record will remain in the thread for about 2 months and will not be shown after that.

    Donation Goal:
    Because we are no longer doing fully auto and direct transaction now, the donation goal will be updated once every few days or when Aarin can check on donations.


    $1395 more to go
    till 31st Jan 2019

    Total Amount Needed for Dec 2018: $595
    also for Jan 2019: $800


    Frequently Asked Question (about donation in general and donation through ads):


    • Do NOT ever ever use payment methods that is illegal or not approved or not given permission to donate.
      • (For example, using your parents credit card without them knowing where it goes to are not allowed!). We know you want to help, but we do not want angry parents or anyone to come after me.

    • Do NOT spend all your money on this site or donate to the point that you don't have much for yourself to use, this action is not encouraged at all!~ Please plan before you donate.

    What you get for donating:
    • RANK CHANGE: You will get the Contributor's rank click below for details on this:
    • POINTS: For each US$5, we will reward you with 500,000 points. Minimum donation is US$5, and every subsequent US$5 will be 500,000 points.
    • LUCKY DRAW: If you have donated any amount, you stand a chance to win any ONE card of your choice from the iShop, including out of stock, Level 11-13, Special/Limited Edition, Event Card or just any at all. Only ONE card will be given out per month. Winner will be picked randomly and announce in a special thread somewhere. I will send you a PM if you have been picked.
    • EXTRA BONUS: (thread made by UllaBritta) You will get another 250000 points for every donation of US$5. Click at her thread here: http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f32/t1...-get-even.html.

    * Please allow 3 to 7 days to get your points after a donation has been made.
    * Non-US currency will be converted to US$.

    Thank you.

    For privacy purposes, I'll only list the initial of the email address as proof of receipt.
    Please remember to allow 3-7 days for your email to appear here. The date listed is the actual date I've received your donation.


    Jan 1, 2018: r___a@ gmail.com
    Jan 11, 2018: w___l@ hotmail.com
    Jan 30, 2018: h___0@ yahoo.com

    Feb 2, 2018: r___a@ gmail.com
    Feb 11, 2018: d__@ g___.cz
    Feb 16, 2018: e___a@ p___l.com
    Feb 17, 2018:w___n@ yahoo.com

    Mar 2, 2018: r___a@ gmail.com
    Mar 9, 2018: w___l@ hotmail.com
    Mar 24, 2018: z___0@ a___c.me

    Apr 1, 2018: r___a@ gmail.com

    May 2, 2018: r___a@ gmail.com
    May 11, 2018: o___a@ gmail.com

    June 2, 2018: r___a@ gmail.com
    June 2, 2018: w___l@ hotmail.com

    July 1, 2018: r____a@ gmail.com
    July 7, 2018: a___1@ gmail.com
    July 19, 2018: c___3@ gmail.com
    July 25, 2018: g___4@ yahoo.com
    July 25, 2018: s__s@ d____f.com

    Aug 1, 2018: r___a@ gmail.com
    Aug 17, 2018: w___n@ yahoo.com

    Sept 6, 2018: r___a@ gmail.com
    Sept 22, 2018: l___o@ hotmail.com
    Sept 30, 2018: w___n@ yahoo.com

    Oct 1, 2018: r___a@ gmail.com
    Oct 2, 2018: m___h@ hotmail.com
    Oct 3, 2018: n___1@ g_x.net

    Nov 3, 2018: r___a@ gmail.com
    Nov 19, 2018: a___a@ gmail.com

    Dec 3, 2018: r___a@ gmail.com
    Dec 25, 2018: O___n@ hotmail.com
    Dec 25, 2018: s___t@ hotmail.com

    Jan 1, 2019: w___l@ hotmail.com
    Jan 3, 2019: b___p@ gmail.com
    Jan 30, 2019: b___e@ yahoo.com
    Jan 31, 2019: n___1@ gmx.net

    Feb 4, 2019: d___e@ gmail.com
    Feb 5, 2019: w___l@ hotmail.com

    Last edited by aarinfantasy; 02-17-2019 at 09:10 PM.

  2. + Show/Hide thank you list

  3. #2
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Dear all, I got a few more PM asking for donation details.
    However, since yesterday my account is unable to receive money for a while due to updating some info and a lot of documentation has to be provided.
    So I will inform everyone once the account has been updated and verified to receive donations, it maybe 2-5 days from now.

    Good news is, the amount of people who are interested to donate should be able to cover all of November's goal. So please do not worry anymore for November's and we can focus on December soon.

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  5. #3
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Thanks everyone for your patience, now the account has been approved, we can resume the donation.
    Currently, we have $880 $860 left for November but I think a particular big donor is going to cover it (huge thanks to you again but please feel free to donate any amount... no pressure).
    Any access or extra will all be reflected on December's goal as soon as I've officially receive enough for November.
    Last edited by Aarinfantasy; 12-02-2014 at 11:14 PM.

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  7. #4
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    I have received from 7 other donors and will list it down later today.
    November has been covered by a big donor and the rest is for December's goal.
    I will update the email and send points later tonight, extremely busy now... why? Busy working on Hybrid Child OVA2! XD

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  9. #5
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Unfortunately, Feb 2017 has not been fulfilled, it needed $737 more and since it's one week into March already, I have to add March's donation goal $900 which is now $1637 in total. >_<;;
    Thank you for donating.

  10. #6
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Thank you so much for donating everyone! I noticed some of you even donated at a certain time frame together, so I am guessing you all actually grouped up and donated at the same time?~ Really appreciate the thought!

    For month of April, it was very hard for me to update everyone's donation in time, so my apologies on the lateness >_<;; The donation goal of April has left over of $496 at the moment so I will just add that into the May's goal too, which brings to a total of $1396.

  11. #7
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Thank you to @UllaBritta ; for keeping up with the extra bonus of points for the donation.
    With that thread closed now, I will be sending more points from my side to donors who donated.
    For now, the minimum points will be 500,000 for every $5, but most of the time... I will give Bonus points for various reasons especially regular donors. It can go up to 5,000,000 points for every $5.
    THANK YOU for donating!

  12. #8
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    Sad to say the entire September's donation goal un-achieved amount has snowballed to October making it seems like a huge amount. I think I may have to make some sort of a donation drive some time soon. Unfortunately, I am extremely busy now with helping out my friend on coming event and also creating the AarinSecret magazine which will take at least 2 months to finish.

    No worries, I would still love to create contests or giveaways.
    In case anyone asks or wondering, all the forum's prizes are not from this forum fund, and purely from my own pocket. I do get a bit more from my day job lately, so I'm able to organize contests and most likely able to lower future donation goals a bit from my own salary.

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  14. #9
    Aarin - Busy

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Spacer 1PochitaSpacer 1
    (S096) Rei IzumiHeart 6 (Devil)(S095) Towa
    (S097) Misaki(S099) Dick Burnford(S098) Yuto Lennix

    As mentioned in my previous post above, I am getting extra daytime job income to cover the forum cost a bit. So now I am able to reduce the donation goal each month! Thank you so much for donating.
    We are back on track

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