aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

  1. issueid=633 06-05-2013 03:48 PM
    Yaoi Expert
    Problem with profile

    Now, I'm sorry if this problem has been answered somewhere else, I really did search for it. I saw people asking about how to customize their profile, but found no answers to my specific problem.

    In the "edit profile" section there is an option to add "profile Intro text" but no matter what I type in that section it doesn't seem to show up on my profile. Whether I use regular text or BB code, nothing shows up on my profile. I was wondering if there is a problem or if I'm just doing something wrong?

    Specifically, I'd like to get that patch of "space" on my profile so I can add a background image, but the code isn't working. I thought it might just be because I wasn't allowed to use code, but even if I write regular text nothing shows up.
    This issue is closed. No more replies may be made.
Issue Details
Issue Number 633
AF Support Forum Functions
Category Others
Status Not a Bug
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
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