View Full Version : Bday/activity points discontinued?

08-16-2013, 07:50 AM
This is a request/suggestion to admins to please confirm if birthday points/activity points have been discontinued for good or will there be any updates regarding that soon? If it is indeed discontinued can we please have an announcement to inform everyone of the same so that no one gets confused (as we all did below if you read through the thread)

Thank you.

old suggestion, please disregard as this is no longer relevent. Just left it unedited for thread history.
As far as I can assume, the people who have been affected are those who had their birthdays in between 04-17-2013 to 08-15-2013. You can go to following link to check if you got points for 2013 or not http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/credits.php?u=373683&currencyid=&actionid=birthday
If your bday was before 4/17 in 2013 and you do not see any entry on above link that says "Birthday Earned 200,000.00 Points" then please report it to an admin.

*First of all I'm not making this suggestion for myself. My birthday is still months away and I've personally never paid attention in past years if I got bday points or not so I'm not one of those people affected.*
What I understood from http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f312/t174714-claim-birthday-points.html

is that between the time since activity/bday points stopped working till this thread came into picture (which I assume hardly anyone knows about, even active/old members aren't coming forward yet to claim points and I remember in past the deadline to claim was 1 month compared to a short 1 week now).

I think the members here are nice enough that they won't openly complain about being left out even though you can clearly see the disappointment running high in thread from beginning itself. My question is why are these few people who were left out in between this time frame are being skipped from birthday points? It's not their fault the the system wasn't working, and if someone needs to be skipped then everyone should be skipped. It's unfair to single out few people and treat them differently for no particular reason. Granted 200k isn't a big figure for many of these people but it's more about the gesture. Bday points are like a gift from the site to members, or so they treat it. Then is it nice some people are left out not to receive it? And what do we know, there might be members who don't have any points and could have used the bonus to buy something nice like a card or a set, but that opportunity is lost. Is it really that big a deal to include few more people into the scheme?

I sincerely request staff to reconsider and to please allow everyone who has missed bday points to be able to claim [-]for at least one month starting now so that everyone gets a fair amount of time to notice about the new thread existence. [/-] (EDIT: see my next post about update on claiming timeline) I'd personally love to post thread link to all people I know whose bdays I see on homepage or know who had bdays recently but I'd hate to direct them to the thread only to have them realize their "deadline" to claim already expired. Many people may not frequent the site once per week due to exams, work etc.

I'm not trying to oppose staff's decision, I simply do not understand what's the issue with letting everyone be happy.
Thank you.

Please ignore this if the issue highlighted above has already been taken care of (in which case a confirmation from any staff member would be nice. :-) )

08-16-2013, 08:51 AM
I totally agree here ... it's not that I need the 200.000 points, but I was always very happy when I got the pm on my birthday (was everytime a nice start into an even greater birthday in the past years) ... but since I knew the point system was down anyway I never complained about not getting the points on my birthday ...

BUT ... when I saw the first one who complained in the point system thread got the wish granted and from now on everybody has the chance to get the point I kind of feel very stupid that I did not complain ...

once more: it is not because I need the points ... but it would have been nice to be treated equally ... or am I wrong here??? ... :huh: :lonely: ...

08-17-2013, 12:47 AM
As of 2012, I haven't missed getting Birthday Points (mine is in September). I don't really pay much attention to either Activity or Birthday points. However, I think people who just joined this year should just go to the thread you pointed out for the points, and anyone who didn't get their Birthday points after 2012 should be able to claim them.

08-17-2013, 01:57 AM
The last points I received for activity was on 04-17-2013, and the birthday thread is created on 08-15-2013. So what I'm saying is anyone who didn't get birthday points within this period (4/17 to 8/15) should be allowed to claim it in the new thread as well, as of now that is not doable.

Anyone having birthday before 04-17-2013 should have received the points. You can check by going to following link http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/credits.php?u=373683&currencyid=&actionid=birthday

If anyone didn't receive bday points before 4/17 then I think it's a separate issue and you can report it to admin so that they can check your transactions and credit points accordingly.

To make it all the better, I don't see the need for deadline at all. After all, forum activity provided bday points to EVERYONE irrespective the activity, why make a discrimation now just because it's manual? It's not like people can claim points multiple times in same year. There shouldn't be a deadline irrespective of whether it's a month time or a week's time or more. Anyone who didn't claim their birthday points starting 4/17 for this year should be allowed to post in my opinion.

08-18-2013, 12:53 PM
First off I will apologize for any typos. I am only on my phone and my signal is poor.

The decision to give birthday points again was made by me and they are my points I am using. When the complaint came in about not getting birthday points we were just going to give a reminder that there are no birthday points anymore (and note I myself have not gotten birthday points since 2011). I am not going back and giving points to everyone since 2011 who may not havw gotten points. I have now way of verifiying that. If people are really upsest that. People can now get birthday points, then I can stop doing it because again this was something I volunteered to do on my own with my own points. It hase been over 2 years since birthday points have worked correctly. I have no way of verifiying if they got their points, had their birthday visibleon there bday to be eligilbe to getpoints, or other issues.

So please let me know whether you want me to stop birthday points until the bank is fixed or not

08-18-2013, 01:50 PM
Hi Cabbit

I don't think anyone realized at all it was supposed to be a personal initiative from you and not something that being done by you as part of staff activity. Thanks for clarifying that. If you are running the thread personally as member, no one has any right to say anything at all about that obviously, and we were not upset that birthday points are back, but because some people were left out. Like I said before anyone who didn't get points before 04-17-2013 is a separate issue since I can personally confirm from my own transactions activity points did work till that date (and I've also received points for all previous years). - But all that is not irrevelent and doesn't apply to your thread.

I think if the funding to you is not coming from admin to credit members, then it would be nice to make an announcement to everyone that bday/activity points have been discontinued (or maybe you can make it a point in your thread that it's personally from you?), then I suppose no one will misunderstand.

The entire topic was directed assuming bday points were given out manually by staff because system isn't working, which is why I made all the above points. They're not personally directed at you because honestly I didn't even think the decision came from you, I thought you were only sending the points. I guess this entire thread is pointless now, I'll just edit my suggestion to make an announcement to members that bday points are discontinued. A

As for you running the thread personally, I think it's a great initiative and people would love to know you're personally running the thread so there's nothing wrong with taking a little credit for the good work. Thank you for doing this for members. :)

08-18-2013, 03:01 PM
The are no updates regarding the bank, including interest, activity points, birthday points, registration points or refferal points.

An announcement will be made if there are any updates regarding the bank, but we do no have plans for this anytime so. Therefore we do not have any information if any of these features will be brought back

08-22-2013, 11:56 AM
cabbit has highlighted this to me and I will be back next week (going away for the weekend and have very limited internet access) to discuss about it.

08-25-2013, 12:47 AM
Since a couple of you have mentioned the 'complaint' about not receiving birthday points, I'd like to clear something up since I'm the one you're discussing.

First, I do not feel my statement was a "complaint" in any way. I simply mentioned that this year was the first time since joining that I didn't receive birthday points on August 15 and I was asking if aarin (or any mod) knew of a way in which I could obtain them. In other words, I didn't know if there was some new way we were supposed to receive the points.

If my question is considered a complaint in anyone's eyes, then I apologize to you for that. I would have never asked about it if I knew it would cause ill feelings among some members. But I have to honestly admit I'm completely shocked that I'm the only one on this entire site who has ever asked about the b-day points since the system went down for good in April of this year.

And cabbit....I still thank you for starting the birthday thread, even more now than before since I've learned the points are from your personal bank. It's very kind of you. But if it's something that's going to cause you problems of any type, I would understand if you chose to shut it down so soon. I'll even send the b-day points back to you, if it means easing any hard feelings going on here.....

EDIT: Wow....I wrote the above before even seeing recent posts (and the fact that you closed it already) in the birthday thread. I'm sorry you had to read some of those posts, and appreciate you for what you tried doing ~ :hug:

08-25-2013, 08:01 AM
gollumsfriend: don't feel upset! you are not the first one who had said something about not getting the b-day points. all others were told the same thing, that the points system was not working correctly. and like I said earlier, points have not worked correctly since 2011, there have always been issues with it.

08-27-2013, 04:08 AM
The authors for the points related issue of the forum has responded to Dai-kun. He will work on it as soon as those authors gave him something he can work on.
So for now, I will make a compensation points thread here:

This is for those who missed out on birthday points and for those who already had birthday points, well... just treat it as a bonus. I'm sorry I know we can't please everyone... some of you may think it's unfair those who got them already will get extra points. But it's still better than nothing, right?
So please go to that thread to claim your birthday points first~ Will close it as soon as Dai got it fixed.

Thanks for your understanding and patience.

11-18-2013, 12:25 AM
I think birthday rewards part of the activity points feature has started working, I just got my birthday points notification from forum. But no activity points yet. Just for FYI.

12-17-2013, 02:51 PM
My birthday was on December 3rd and I got my points automatically too.