View Full Version : A 'filled/solved' button

07-31-2013, 07:46 PM
for Reupload Requests & Downloads & Other Questions sections
In the original rules Re-upload Request RULES (http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f73/t640-re-upload-requests-rules.html) by Dai-kun, it says Once a request has been filled, RATE IT 5 STARS! But that isn't always the case, some requests are filled but are never rated 5 stars to tell others that the OP's request was re-uploaded. Could an option be made that labels whether or not something has been filled or not? Wouldn't that make it easier for mods to close threads that were already filled and preventing others from spamming/replying to threads that are both filled/years old? Should the same manga/doujinshi/etc. ever need re-uploading a new thread for it can be made.

Could the same thing be done in the Downloads & Other Questions section (http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f52/) as well? Have an option or a button next to the thread title that labels it as 'SOLVED'?

08-15-2013, 08:59 AM

For the Technical Section, we used to have a plugin to mark a post as best answer just like in Yahoo Answers. However, it stopped working due to incompatibility.

As for the reupload requests, yes that would be nice to add. Both suggestions are good. :)