aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Your most favourite characters of all time <3

  1. ghettoe
    I'm not even expecting professional writing, but is decent grammar too much to ask? Is a realistic story too big a goal to achieve? Is a decent sentence that hard to write? *sighs dramatically* You should forgive me if I'm being overly critical. I guess these are the things that happen when you take a tough literature course . I sometimes wish I didn't because it's amazing how many errors I'm noticing right now, but that's besides the issue. By the way, I'll have you know I'm really containing myself on the criticism, but after a while I get tired of trying to sugar coat the critique of a story. I need to try the authors you recommended cause right now I'm going through an AoP phase where I'm reading her old stories. She's really a breath of fresh air.
  2. CrisNoWait
    Ah Ghettoe! Its refreshing to chat with you again!
    HELL YES ITS TOO MUCH TO ASK!! GOD DAMMIT! I'll tell you why cause most of the people here are not as educated as you...and most are just that amateurs writing cause a story idea hit them!

    For better works...Like Melody Snow level, Nacht, Lyiint, MiraiKurosaki, or Honeykissfire to name a few...you really will continue to be disappointed here..Oh...read her *Tonya Moore* I been considering her by her real name so long I forget her Aarin username. Besides most of her stuff is not posted here. ^^ but if you are looking for a grammar, sentence all around great author read some of her stuff...just peek <,< see if it sparks your interest. No not fan fiction..

    Unless you read to help, then yeah keep punishing yourself.. I love NC-so we will just consider your reading eye,mind,gramme RAPE!...XD!

    I could really use you if you did rp...dammit..cause honesty is fun in RP...especially for pricks,bastards, and a-holes (yeah in character) lol
  3. Nachtwind
    *pout* I don't like to get dragged into things <.<
    But while we're at it^^ I think there are several authors who have a pretty nice style and taste when writing their stories and developing their characters. I dunno, I feel like I always find something that's somewhere close to what I consider a decently written story. To my own shame I have to admit I never read more than two of AoP's stories *hahaha* I do adore her skill. I don't think I've read anything here on aarin that can compete with her skill (note I do not say style^^), but I have a problem to connect to her characters. (lol you know what I mean^^)
    At any rate, I'm also still hoping for Xylara to return some time ._. uhm....yea..... *random*
  4. ghettoe
    You know chris I really understand what you're saying but I just can't help it. I really don't think my standards are THAT high. Anyway, I shall try her and let's hope she's good. Did I ever mention I was just not good at the texting/abbreviating type of language? I'm the type that texts in full sentences so I have to ask, what in heavens name are NC and RP?

    @Natch: *gasp* Blasphemy. AoP is just so amazing. How could you only read just two of her stories?! I admit that she is on the heavy language side and I sometimes need a break when reading her stories, but overall I find her great. She has a style that is just so different from everyone else and it's just intriguing.

    LOVE xylara! She's definately one of my faves.
  5. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: *lol* You didn't get my drift. I dislike her characters. I love her language. I enjoy reading heavy language *coughmelodysnowcough* I don't want to say something bad about her stories or characters since I have only read two of her stories and I know alot of other people enjoyed those greatly. I can only end up insulting someone, so complaining wouldn't result in useful criticism, since I know most people consider her characters as perfect as her style. *shrugs* That's why I'll stay quiet.
  6. ghettoe
    Natch: It's okay to criticise. I get what you're saying. It's actually very difficult to like a story if you don't like the characters. I'm going to use Hunting as an example. I only liked Kyran and when he died as a character for me, I just didn't care to read anymore. I think another reason I had a fall out with it was also the fluff and Kyran did balance that, but then he had to fall in love and it was like Oh lordy. I really need to give Melody a chance.
    ps. So what if alot of people like AoP. Frankly, I think two stories is more than enough to pass judgment. Forget, two stories, I say two chapters.
    pps: check this out: http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f28/t1...ml#post2840270
    I am interested in your views.
  7. Nachtwind
    @ghettoe: Maybe. And yes, I totally agree. Characters basically -are- the story. If I dislike them, I'll dislike reading the story, no matter how nicely written or how great and twisted the plot. I don't know if I had too high expectations when I started reading her stories, because her style basically tells you after three lines that it's amazing, what I had read of the plot as well..............and then you try to get into the characters and.....fail. *lol* I find them strangely shallow. It's not even a matter of connecting to them but I never came to like any of them in particular.
    Oh and I replied to that. *lol* Though I geuss I drifted off a bit in the beginning into a small rant^^
  8. ghettoe
    @all. We have seriously neglected this group. Shame on us.
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