aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

your favorite pairing(s)

  1. lazyn3ko
    my favorite pairing's are

    Gino x Akasaki (10x15)
    Sakai x Sera (9x20)
    Hotta x Ishigami (8x5)
    Gotou x Tatsumi
  2. ryla
    GotuxTatsumi - you did hear Gotou's devotion to Tatsumi in the anime???

    and we are three now!!!!!!
  3. lazyn3ko
    yes Gotu is very devoted to Tatsumi in many times

    we are three now
  4. ryla
    I want Mochida too

    Mochida x Tsubaki

    but he's so crazy, he should be an uke
  5. lazyn3ko
    yah i love Mochida to

    yes he should be uke but with who

    and we are 4 now
  6. audiopain86
    lazyn3ko, I commend you for your excellent taste: we have the same favourite GK pairings. Oh, but I also like Murakoshi x Gino. And maybe Tsubaki x Gino?

    Anyway, Giant Killing is such a great manga, it should have more fans. Not to mention the huge slash potential....
  7. cabbit_girl
    lol I'm a tad odd...I dun really slash this series...but I adore the characters XD...well I do like Gino and his dogs lol
  8. ryla
    when I read the manga I don't slash it (unlike PoT - everytime I see Fuji I want Tezuka to ukefy him...not to mention SPot - too many bishies)
    I love the GK story and the characters more than having slash pairings
  9. audiopain86
    @cabbit_girl; I know what you mean, sometimes you just don't feel like slashing a series But Gino and his dogs are awesome
  10. lazyn3ko
    @audiopain86 ; i'm glad that we have the same favourite GK pairings
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