Event time - Signature drive!
This event is fairly simple. We will be allowing sig size to be increased for the entire forum if some criteria is met! There is no due date for this, once the goal is reached... we will increase the allowed sig size rule from the current 500x200 pixels and 2 pics limit... to 500x250 pixels and 3 pics limit.
- Donate your points to username "AF Fund", minimum points to send is 100,000 points and no maximum limit. There is no need to PM AF Fund, just send the points will do.
- The goal is to reach 5 billion points in the AF Fund. You can always check the total on AF Fund at the post below this one.
- Must have at least 100 people to donate in, to prevent one or two people from being the only donors (just in case only one person decided to send in 5 billion).
- Top 5 donors will be mentioned after the goal has been achieved. (Please send aarinfantasy a PM if you don't want to be mentioned for some reason).
- Please try to donate 1-3 times only, as I may face a hard time keeping track of each person's total donation. You can donate more times than that though but do mention in this thread or send AF Fund a PM stating about it to help me easier to keep track.
- Regular forum members, contributors, VIPs and Forum Support can donate in the points. Admin and Mods are not allowed to donate the points (obviously).
Not too keen about donating for signature? No worries, part of your donated points to AF Fund will be given out for people who has below 200,000 points. I plan to give out 100 million points from part of the fund to them on a special giveaway thread after the goal has been achieved. Once the 100 million has been given out, no more. At least what you donated to AF Fund will be for a good cause.
This event is an idea to help curb the inflation of current points circling around the forum. It is meant to be a fun simple event where everyone can participate and for those who have tons of points but don't know where to spend on to help out the forum, and even help some forumer's wish to have their sig size increased. You don't need to feel bad about not able to donate eventhough you have little or lots of points, it doesn't matter... as long as you want to or can, just do it.
HUGE THANKS to the following Top 5 Donors!
There are 2 ppl will the same amount of donation... so there are actually 6.