View Full Version : Line breaks dissapearing

01-23-2012, 03:19 AM
Lately everytime I tried to edit the thread in my group, when I save it the post loses all the new lines and I have to re-edit and press enter again for every new line (It's for a list of users etc).
It's getting extremely irritating since I have to re-do the lines everytime I wanna edit a little thing, and sometimes I even have to go into the advanced edit mode for it to save the line breaks.
Is anyone else having this problem or is it just my group...?

01-23-2012, 04:21 AM
yeah, I've had that happen to me... sometimes the edit box decides to be html sometimes it decides to be plain text, and then my line breaks may or may not disappear, depending on what type of edit box it is. -_- I only had this happening to me on my iPhone/iPad though........? And it was not consistent, only sometimes... very frustrating, because it was when I was editing my wishlist/thanks/inventory and... wow... I had to hit enter again on ALL those lines..... haha. sad. =T

01-23-2012, 05:04 AM
it happens in the groups when you edit a post.
You need to do "Go Advanced" to keep the formatting...

So far I did encounter this issue only on the Groups

01-24-2012, 03:43 PM
I encountered this issue as well but not in Groups. I tried to edit a VM and all the break lines disappeared this is very inconsistent it seems

And you can't re-edit because they will not be edited back in.

01-27-2012, 08:19 AM
it happens in the groups when you edit a post.
You need to do "Go Advanced" to keep the formatting...

So far I did encounter this issue only on the Groups

I tried doing that straight off the bat...but it just ended up eating my line breaks as soon as I go into the advanced editing page.....sigh

Erotic Devil
01-27-2012, 09:43 PM
Ugh, I was having the same problem until I did what angerbda's suggested but it still a lil' buggy because the adjustment is not going the way I wanted but at least it's something..

01-28-2012, 12:14 AM
I used to have this problem till I switched the type of editor I was using. I'm using the basic one now and haven't had this issue since. Which editor are you each using?

01-31-2012, 12:48 AM
Yep, I did the same thing as Twinstar. :) Change from the Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing to Standard Editor - Extra formatting controls.

Erotic Devil
02-02-2012, 02:33 AM
Oh thanks guys that helped. :)